There is Hope for the Addict! Prayer

When you have done all you can do, within your means, to help a loved one who is addicted, without enabling, remember in the chaos, that prayer is a mighty weapon! I have lost one brother, two best friends to addiction, and now living with my baby brothers addiction, I am writing about it in hopes that people will not judge , just pray for him and others battling this addiction. I see the good in them, I know the good in them, addiction is robbing and killing our loved ones, it can happen to anyone, even you. 

Never put drugs in your body given by a friend, say “NO”; Never put drugs in your body given by a doctor without out knowing the side effects, you have a right to say “NO” to these prescriptions being pushed on doctors by the big Pharm companies, use your voice to ask for something better or safer. Say “NO” ; know what you are taking, research, make safe choices. Below is a prayer for families and the ones going through addiction, you can change it to sister, mother, dad, cousin, etc…..Just pray for them, please, and their families!please take time to read the following if you are struggling with addiction:





Dear Lord it is my prayer that You would free my “Brother” from the drugs that have become an addiction to him.. and which have almost broken the family apart and caused us all such pain and distress.

Father You know the anger that seems to lurk within him and the explosive outbursts that are so difficult to cope with. Lord He needs Jesus in his life and the indwelling Holy Spirit in his heart and I ask that You would convince him of his need for Jesus – and convict him of: “sin and righteousness and judgement”… just as Your Word has said.. and bring Him I pray, to recognize that this addiction to drugs is not Your will for anyone and is likely to end in tragedy if not dealt with soon.

I thank You that You care for people like my brother who have gone so far astray from the way of truth. Thank You that You have never given up on him despite his addiction to drugs. Thank You that he can come to You to seek for deliverance and know that You will not turn him away. Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning and thank You that You are faithful and true to Your word – even when we prove faithless.

Lord I know that Your Word promises a way of deliverance to all who seek You and I believe that in Jesus is found healing and wholeness, salvation and security – deliverance and joy. And Lord I ask for You to deliver my brother from these drugs and free him from being in bondage to this cursed addiction.

Help him I pray. Save him Lord and set him free from these drugs on which he has become so dependent. Give him the means to break loose from drugs and the ability to see it through to the end. He knows that on his own he will fail but Lord I do believe that in Christ he can be set free – help him Lord in Jesus name.

Please release my brother from the angers and pain that dwell inside of him. Almighty Father, take him in your hands and guide him to better choices, for a life without the need for drugs or alcohol. That the trouble that he is now facing, is left behind him. Lord, my brother is a wonderful man, give him the courage and the faith to believe in himself, and realize how much he is loved and cherished.

Father, hear my prayers for him and all others that are living the same kind of life. Heal them Lord, let them rejoice in a life of self respect, respect for others and love for themselves, and most of all the Glory of your love. I know in you, that he and all the others can find peace and happiness. O’ God our Father, please hear our prayers.

Dear Lord I bring my brother to You whose reliance on drugs and addiction to medication is causing myself and our family serious episodes of aggression, manipulation, violence, depression, irrationality, fears, walking on eggshells, deep concerns and utter sadness.

Lord we really don’t know what to do and we seem to have run out of ideas and suggestions and there is no one but You to whom we can turn.

Lord he is prone to mood swings – sometimes seeming depressed and at other times hyper active.. and yet at other times is only able to sleep – sometimes for the best part of a day.. Help us we pray to help HIM.. and release him Lord, from this unhealthy reliance on drugs. Heal him of the negative effects that they are having on his physical and mental health and return him to normal health and strength we ask in Jesus name.

Lord, you as our creator, we trust in your name so we call for your help day and night. I have so many fears day and night, deep in my soul I cry every second of my life because I lost my brother due to his extreme drug addiction for so many years. I pity him a lot. I have embraced and told him how much I really love and care for him as a sister,yet now he doesn’t accept it nor does he understand it.

Lord, you know how I feel every moment I think of my brother.I didn’t realize that the world would be so cruel to my parents as my brother chose drugs more than anything else in this world. I have always tried to support& be there for him . Yet things turned differently than I imagined. It hurts a lot to see my brother being sick, going through with-drawls, sick  physically and mentally, then calling ambulances when he overdoses, dealing with his psychological repetitive patterns of verbal, emotional and mental abuse to myself and  family members. Lord his words destroy and hurt to our core. Lord we humbly come to you to rebuke this addiction, the verbally , mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually  abusive patterns caused by addiction, Lord we rebuke the manipulation, stealing and the lies separation and destruction of the family unit in Jesus name. Holy Spirit, come sit with us and raise a standard.

I will never stop begging for your help and for those families who are suffering the same problem as mine. Abide in us in those hard moments. Give us all courage to Stand, fill us with your strength, protect our families.

You are a loving God and we praise and thank You for all Your goodness to us and to all people – We bless You for our lives and for all the joy and grace that You so readily bestow on all Your creation.

Lord we lift up an increasing number of men and women who suffer from drug addiction and pray that You would provide them with the grace and strength to reach out to You for the necessary help and guidance that they may need – as they take the important steps to recovering their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Give those that are addicted to drugs the will, perseverance, courage and ability to take the first step to regain their health and wholeness. Comfort, protect and succor friends and family members that are affected by those that are trapped in drug addiction.

Give courage and hope to all who are seeking to break its demonic hold over the lives of so many and may the power of Your love and grace transform their lives – knowing that Jesus Christ alone is able to break the power of drugs, return a soul into freedom and bring beauty for brokenness – we stand and rebuke drug addiction from our families, asking for protection of our loved one, granting all peace, hope, Love,and Joy. Believing the best is yet to come,  this we ask in Jesus name,Amen



10 thoughts on “There is Hope for the Addict! Prayer

  1. I will pray for your brother along with two friends who sons are drugs addicted, one lady who is addicted to prescription meds, and my addiction to sugar.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. AMEN IN JESUS MIGHTY AND EVERLASTING NAME! I agree with you in that powerful prayer my sister! Lord touch my sister’s brother in Jesus name. Heal and set him free from that bondage of drugs. Heal and touch every soul that is bringing death to their bodies by this spirit in Jesus name. May they be made whole again by the power of your Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Lord we believe and know that you will set him free and ALL the other men & women around the world and they will become living testimonies of your Grace in Jesus name Amen! Thank you Lord! Will continue to lift him up and the family! God is able. It is finished. Amen. Blessings!

    Liked by 3 people

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