Prayer Over Our Nation and President!

Heavenly Father I pray from the least to the great that today COVID is cancelled, voided and nullified! That all would be healed in Jesus name through wonderful working power of the blood from Calvary!

Lord God we cry out as a nation humbling seeking you for healing in our bodies, souls and mind! Cancel the great deceptions that are at work or the works of the enemy, sending forth a legend of warrior angels to stand guard over our President, his family, our nation and all of America’s people, in the land of the free and the home of the brave!

May we rise as a unified nation respecting and honoring all diversity and diversified cultures, to not make America Great , but to show the world why “America is Great, ” built on love, compassion, empathy and understanding!

As Americans we shall soar like eagles in our freedom, coming together like we did after 9/11. I plead repentance for our great nation and cry out for “Mercy” from God!

May we all seek God and pray!

I am proud to be an American and to call Mr. Trump my President!

I pray God send forth healing from throne of heaven to cascade down over our heads penetrating to soles of our feet, healing us from inside and outside! Praying divine healing comes swiftly with no lasting effects! During the transitions of our bodies healing, may healing flow over our nation, from the East to West, then North to South standing as “The Greatest Nation” on this planet!

America is where the” American Dream” is “Thriving” as we unite to eradicate issues like homelessness, addiction, affordable housing, healthcare, jobs, food safety, farming, homeland security, education and the military!

Giving gratitude for allowing all voices to be heard and resolutions brought forth with compassion.

Every story and voice matters!

We declare and decree it is so in mighty name of Jesus! Amen

6 thoughts on “Prayer Over Our Nation and President!

    1. Thank you 😊 America is Great, America never lost her Greatness, her people believed the lies of many who sought to destroy her like the whispers in Garden to Eve, just as when a sinners eyes are opened , America’s eyes will open and unification of our beloved land and people will begin to heal, I pray!


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