April | Testimony Tag

I was tagged by Renee at https://hearttokens.home.blog/  to share my testimony.

Thank you Renee, for thinking of me!  I am forever grateful  meeting you all those years ago on EA.  God gave me a friend who stood by  me, who didn’t judge me and when I needed a prayer warrior or a friend who I could trust with anything, God aligned Sister Renee and our paths together for such a purpose as that need, a friend who would not only get down in the mud with me (spiritually & prayerfully)  who lifted me up! Renee is probably unaware of how many times she literally pulled me out of those muddy pits, she continually encouraged me and inspired me to write, then one day she shared her writing and I was forever hooked for her writing catches your heart is relatable and sometimes funny. Renee is truly a gift to us all! Thank you for tagging me in April Testimony

Check out Renee’s testimony here along with Stu’s.


April | Testimony Tag



April is a special month one in the fact, that it is Easter and we get to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. To go with the celebration of His resurrection we get to share our testimony

After reading Renee’s testimony first, and then mine, please follow this thread of tags and read everyone else’s testimony.

Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you to participate.
  • Link back to the original post.
  • Use the original featured image.
  • Share your testimony in your own way, this is a tag meant for reflection and sharing the amazing gift God has given us of redemption.
  • Nominate one or more people to participate.
  • Enjoy the rest of your month!

Debra H Jones Testimony:

My Testimony -By: Debra Hearn Jones
My Little Light is Going to Shine!
It was on a cold day in November 2003, under the anointed preaching of Pastor Willouby, whose sermon was titled “Have you ever thanked God?” when a Southern Baptist woman was slain in the spirit, while visiting the UPCI in Raleigh, NC. Now don’t worry she wasn’t dead, as a matter of fact God was doing a work in her as she lay on the carpet.

I can only attest to this because the woman is me. I clearly remember the sermon, and Pastor Willouby asking “Have you ever thanked God?” That question just got a hold of me, I had to stop and really think. Had I ever thanked Jesus for all he had done for me?

I began to slide down the pew, as people stood up to go in the aisle to what they were calling an alter call. I was terrified, I couldn’t imagine standing up in front of all these people. I am introverted. I was shaking, and trying very hard not to cry as this pastor’s words touched my heart.

I left my crutches under the pew but I slid the crutches,  as I slid seated down the pew toward the aisle. The crutches were a necessity to help me walk without falling, as I had permanent sciatic nerve damage from a recent automobile wreck.

I sat there terrified, scared to stand or go into the aisle,  I whispered a prayer and stuck my big toe into the aisle, and said “Thank you Jesus!

The next thing I realized I was standing up in that aisle startled, how was I standing without my crutches and as I gazed up to the alter, above that Pastor’s head, I witnessed something no one can ever take from me, flowing down over the pastor’s head toward us in the aisles, I witnessed beautiful clear breathing translucent  water flow down like a river and divide going down over each and every person in those aisles before me. I became ecstatic, I knew that the people in front of me were getting a blessing from the water and I was going to get mine too. I couldn’t contain my excitement. I looked up and felt that  beautiful water hit and flow over me and I closed my eyes as I was being slain in the spirit.

How long I did I lay on the floor, I honestly do not know, yet when I opened my eyes I sat up and I asked” What in the world was that?” A woman standing above me shouted “That’s Jesus!” I looked up at her and said “Whatever that is, I won’t some more of it! That lady said “Honey you stand up right here and we’ll pray you through, so you get the Holy Ghost!” I jumped up, all sciatic pain gone, without crutches and this shy introverted woman, began to praise God with all her might, and I felt the spirit of God as it came down over me, the most profound experience of my life.  My mouth was no longer my own, and I began to speak in a language I had never spoken nor knew existed I was conversing in a heavenly language and  was later told I had spoken in tongues.  I had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit  as proclaimed in:

Acts 2:38 New International Version (NIV)

38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

My life has never been the same and my sins are forgiven. I left a different person than what I had been when I entered church earlier that morning.

I was on fire for God, my own mama could not shut me up about my encounter with God. I was like a 220 light bulb that glowed brightly. I just had to tell anyone and everyone, about what Jesus has done for me.

Seven days later on Pearl Harbor day, I was baptized in Jesus name!!!! My family thought I was crazy  and I lost some friends. The funniest experience was that it took me two weeks to realize I had left my crutches under the pew. I never went back for them. God had healed me.

After my profound experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit, I wrote a poem about the “Rivers of Living Water,”https://beetreegathering.wordpress.com/2018/10/26/living-waters-of-grace/ it was my first inspired writing. I have been writing blogs and articles when led or inspired for twelve years. During this time came the first storm, the second storm, the third storm, and they kept coming, it was relentless. During the storms I was rejected, abandoned, persecuted, lost and at times alone, I was betrayed and falsely called backslidden. Twelve years of storms, and yes, my 220 light bulb diminished, yet I couldn’t stop telling people about Jesus Christ, even when I no longer had a way to church. I needed the word of God, desperate for some “Living Water”, I wrote  “Drink Living Water” at https://beetreegathering.wordpress.com/2018/09/07/drink-living-water/

my voice still worked and I used it to tell my testimony.  Never doubt there is power in your testimony. I learned to count it all joy and “Yes, Thank You  Jesus!”

Now I understand my journey a little better, the enemy was trying to convince me I was unworthy, by snuffing out my light, with one storm after another.However, my first lesson was always to be “Thankful”, be thankful in all things (Pastor Wiloby)

Tonight, I stand, as I draw a line in the sand, completely around me and my family, pleading the blood of Jesus believing God in Faith, Love, Hope and Joy. I give God all the praise and glory, for he never left me, nor did he ever forsake me, and I claim in Jesus name that my family’s BIG light is going to shine.


Sister Debra Jones

I choose to tag the following:


Please do not feel obligated to participate! Only if you want to or have the time.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story and testimony!

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