
God is never late and rarely early. He is always exactly right on time -His time. — Dillon Burroughs

Yes, God is real!

Yesterday, I had several interruptions on heading out of town. My grandaughter and I were traveling an hour away. Delayed leaving on time, had to check and buy oil for car. Then, I had to get gas. Check tires. Took 20 minutes to check out and pump gas. Then there was a 30 mintue delay due to slow down traffic on interstate, we call it Disney traffic, finally nearing our destination, turn corner on residence street, I immediately scream, frantically honking horn, as I saw a tiny little girl , roll down a small hill on her bicycle from her house, go right behind big suv, in his blind spot, backing up. My screaming scared my grandaughter as I blared the horn. Merciful God , the man driving braked the suv , jumped out, the little girl was ok, the driver barely missed running over the child and the child was oblivious to the danger her life had been in at that precise moment.
I can only contemplate, praise God, as God knew this child was in danger, stratigized my delays and used a sinner turned believer, to be there at that precise moment in Gods time, never late, never early, precisely right at his time to blare my horn preventing a tragedy and lovingly protecting an unwatched child from the neighbors next door to the driver.
Thank you, God, for our delays and your protection. God loves you all!

How the Littlest Angel Turned Sobbing to Joy!

Re-blog of a past Christmas story I wrote few years back, may the story encourage, bring forth hope! Our answers are just a prayer away!


The Lord God Almighty stood before his angels, looking intently at the human race. God’s voice roared announcing to his Warrior Angels he had a very important mission for them, that they were to descend upon the earth and find all the prayers of his faithful servants, who praised and worshipped him in the Christmas Season, his earthly birthday.

The angels that will live forever passed the powers as they parted allowing them to go down to earth in a spiraling mass of anticipation, seeking beloved saints, who had stayed the course and remained faithful. When the last and littlest angel passed the powers they turned and closed up the realm of heaven.

“Yonah” which means, “Dove” was the littlest angel of the masses who quickly flew to catch up with his fellow warrior angles, His heart-shaped face, was in deep concentration encased with reddish hair, and deep soulful blue eyes. Yonah was breathtakingly beyond beautiful, a creature blessed by God, for what he lacked in size he had in strength and heart. He paused in his descent, and hovered with the light fluttering of his wings, he looked in all directions and noticed how still and quiet it was, something was not right. With that thought he folded his wings inward and dove, he had to find her, maybe she was still praying, for he knew he could detect the weakest of prayers. Down he went.

Cindy was winding down and watching the six o clock news, her coffee had grown cold, oh, why in the world did she turn that dang TV on, there was never any good news unless you counted the weather report, and all it showed was a forecast of possible snow and ice. Her thoughts drifted to the last few years, she could not remember the last time she had felt joy, she remembered her episodes of sobbing and feeling of hopelessness, after her husband walked out and abandoned her, the rug being pulled out from under her when housing market started to falter and her boss laid her off, then the economy crashed and the bottom fell out, her savings went to help her daughter finish school and to help her with attorney fees in a heated custody battle over her granddaughter, now she was in her second extension of lay off, she had lost her home, had to give away all her belongings, her car engine blew, and she only had five weeks of unemployment left. During all this time she had been sick with a thyroid issue, she gained over fifty pounds, three fourths of her hair fell out, she had a cyst in her breast, severe acid re flux, she went from the person she recognized to looking like a stranger, then came the allergic reactions, inability to breath, then her doctor let her go as a patient, saying she was too difficult to treat, she could no longer focus, or keep her thoughts straight, she kept writing notes to herself so she would not forget what she needed to do or what she had said to someone in conversation, her family relationships became strained, her friends walked away without even looking back. Job-hunting was hopeless; she did not even have a college degree. There were no jobs to compete for, in one year she had, one interview. Sadly she had fallen away from her church family, not by her choice, it just happened slowly like her thyroid disease, at first she felt nothing unusual, then she was hit with a powerful punch, that near bought knocked her off her feet. It wasn’t just one thing but an accumulation of many things, hurtful things, things she did not know how to talk about, how to express, like a vine twisting up her body sucking the life out of her little by little, her family’s lack of understanding and indifference, having to go to the hospital alone, time after time, scarred out of her wits, barely able to breath, excruciating chest pains, inability to sleep, and the pain in her muscles that hurt her to her core daily. She felt betrayed, and buried so far into the pit of despair she did not know how to climb out. No one from her church had ever called her, instead, they just talked about her, called her backslidden, made fun of her weight, and snickered about her, and who she was before she found Christ. Jesus had wiped her sins clean, but her fellow man continued to judge her, and as hard as she tried to be a part of the church family, she was rejected and persecuted time after time. They were so worried about her outward appearance they never stopped to look at her inward appearance and the change God was doing in her life. That was when she began to visit other churches, looking for a family to accept her and love her. She let go of her family church, yet she remained faithful in prayer and her love for God.

The Spirit of Torment keep circling Cindy, giggling in evil ragged laughs, it was working, he just about had her where he wanted her if only he could break her will to pray, then she was his. No Matter how he tormented her, he could not touch her family as she prayed daily the word of God to cover them, it was just a matter of time, she would break, and in arid anticipation he rubbed his long bony fingers together, when all of a sudden he noticed, a gleam of light approaching, and he swiftly hid and was angered to see “Yonah” approaching, one of God’s Warrior Angels. The Spirit of Torment snorted in disgust, warrior indeed, besides Gabriel, he looked like a child, even though he was fully formed. Yonah was actually encouraging good thoughts to Cindy, what was he doing, he was ruining all his hard work, noooooooo, Cindy was getting on the floor, he and Yonah both heard her knees crackle and crunch, as her weight bore down, she bent over and put both hands out to lower herself to the ground, and promptly fell, pushed more like it, flat on her face.

Cindy laid on the floor, sobbing, in disparity, all she can mutter is one word. “Jesus”! Yonah continues to encourage her, and The Spirit of Torment becomes enraged.

Her sobbing turns to wailing and in the midst of her wailing “The Holy Spirit of God” moves in to intercede, and her tongue starts to flow in the heavenly language, she pours out her soul, slamming her fist from time to time “God, please do not forsake us, forgive us, Lord!” As the prayer pours forth from her mouth, Yonah snatches up the words and races toward heaven with her prayer in his hands, with The Spirit of Torment, hot on his trail. The Spirit of Torment pulls out his bow and aims and let’s go with his arrow racing through the air, piercing Yonah, who cries out and begins to fall, and The Spirit of Torment races past him, to help in the battle ahead.

Yonah examines his wound as he hides in the clouds, and decides to head home, the Master is waiting, and he does not want to disappoint the Lord. With grit and determination he heads to the heavenly realm and what he sees, is beyond his wildest perception, there are no Powers guarding the realm of heaven, and fearfully he approaches and looks up over the edge, and before him as far as his eyes can see is a great battle. Blue realms turning gray to black, between the Lords angels and the Angels who deserted God and now sided with the Destroyer. The battle is fierce, sword clashes against sword, shields are drawn, and held high to protect, and in the middle is a dragon called Legion, who is churning out battle orders harshly and has eight voices talking at once. Yonah begins to doubt himself, he is a warrior angel who is scared to go in battle, and in order to reach the Lord he must go through the battlefield, oh, where and how can he get his strength and a plan. Then he remembers Cindy, she is the answer, so he heads back to earth, and the demon is gone, thinking he has won, Cindy is laying on the ground spent exhausted and worn out, she says, God, you promised to never leave us, you promised in your word you would fight for us, and have mercy upon us, Lord, I have faith in your, Lord please defend us, and she continues to sob, God, I am here use me Lord, what can I do , I am nothing , one person, and Yonah smiles and slowly allows

Cindy to feel his pain, torment, and the heat of the battle, with an unexpected fierceness of rage, Cindy slams her fist into the ground and screams “NO MORE”, and the Holy Spirit of God begins to intercede, and Cindy rages into speaking in tongues, battling for what she knows not…….. Cindy prays as if her life depended on it. She pressed forward, and unseen to Cindy, Yonah, began to glow with a bright stars brilliance, and his wings surged with strength, and power filled his limbs and a sword dropped into his hand, and Yonah raced back to the realm of heaven and in the first blow the littlest warrior angel destroyed half of Satan’s army, as Yonah fluttered above the battle field, he dove to strike his next blow and the defected angels and demons fled, and Yonah was face to face, with Legion, and all eight of his voices ragged blasphemies at him , and with one swift blow, with the word of God, his sword, Yonah took off his head and the voices spoke no more, and the powers returned to the realm. Yonah swiftly gathered all the prayers that were dropped during battle and along with Cindy’s prayer ascended to heaven to the Throne and bowed at the Lord’s feet and presented all the prayers of the saints on Christmas Eve. The Lord God Almighty smiled and hugged the littlest angel saying “Job well done”! God then turned as the angels rejoiced and opened up the heavens and poured forth his blessings unto his children. Peace returned to the earth, at the same time it flooded Cindy where she laid, and she began to sing and rejoice in the Lord! Cindy stood and dusted herself off; her sobbing had been replaced with joy and she began to dance before the Lord!

In the year to come God ordered restoration to his faithful saints, with blessings beyond measure! As a child of God Cindy hardly understood all that had transpired, what gained the victory was allowing herself to be used, pressing forward and having faith and trusting the Lord even when she didn’t understand, what was important was she remembered to leave herself open to God’s calling.

The End!


Dear God,

At times I am amazed at the love you have for us, thank you for sending your son, so that we might be saved. Thank you for your priceless gift of love. Lord, we ask you to move through our great nation, a nation which was built “In God we trust”, on a solid rock foundation. Lord, our rock has been shaken as we as a nation moved away from thy precepts, forgive us, Lord. Lord, we bow to you in humility, and humbleness, we call on your holy name we pray and ask for your forgiveness and ask that this would be a new era that would heal our land and once more make us into a proud Godly nation united under you, our Lord and Savior. We ask and seek your presence in our government, our homes, our schools, our workplaces, our judicial system, our healthcare, and for the one true God to be present in our churches. Wake us up and stir us up Lord to do your calling and your will, give us insight, wisdom, to be spiritual leaders, and guidance to succeed. As in Joel 2:12- we are coming to you Lord with all our heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with morning, until every hindrance is removed and fellowship is restored. In 2 Chronicles 7:14- If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.

My father, let those who are tired come to you, the lost, the brokenhearted, the despondent, and the hopeless. I have heard it said that you love these people and you walk among them and save those who are crushed in spirit. I pray God for our protection, our family and our friends and our church, and these individuals that I lift up to you. I pray Psalms 91 and I plead your blood over them. I pray that you heal them and bind up their wounds. They cannot hear, they cannot see, they cannot speak, and they are blind, deaf and ignorant of your truth. I stand humbly before you God and ask you to open their ears, their minds, and their eyes. Some call them the scum of society, worthless, scavengers, unclean, and not savable. I see them as future saints adorned in crowns of beauty, gladness, and garments of praise. Lord, I know your truth is for every man, woman, and child. I pray for warrior angels commanded by you Lord, to set a hedge of protection around them, to guard them, so that when your vessels of saints come in contact with them and speak your truth and salvation the light in your vessels will not be your saints they see, it will be you, their Redeemer, their Savior, whose words will turn the lost to being found and the despondent to having hope, and the hopeless to be full of joy, all to be planted in faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with assurance of salvation. Save them, God, our doors are open, and we welcome them into your house.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Christmas Story of Hope!

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

Edmund’s thoughts were swirling in his head in a state of panic as he sat in his favorite, blue leather, writing chair, staring into nothing. How could he author an article of joy with all the suffering of the world? Panic overcame him as he feared missing his deadline. This world was in such a state of upheavel with Ukraine and Israel wars, fearmongering, fighting, political debates on the 2024 election year, housing crisis, lack of affordable housing, constant state of division, food insecurity and shortages caused by price gouging, and forced mandates. There were extreme bouts of weather, a winter storm fast approaching. How do you find Joy in such horrific suffering? How could he write about Joy with so much grieving? Unprecedented events the likes of which humanity hasn’t seen, there were epidemics in the past, yet this coronavirus and all its variants seem aligned with evil. Now there were reports of Christmas being canceled. Why even celebrate Christmas? Where was God?

Edmund bowed his head to pray, inhaling deeply suddenly catching the horrible odor of bile making him wretch in a dry heave vomit, reminding him of rancid vomit in the morning hours of a closed bar cleanup, permeating sulfur acidic burning ammonia, oh goodness, he couldn’t hold back, Edmund, jumped up, ran for toilet, slid down grabbing the bowel emptying his stomach, trying to get on his knees.

Photo by Connor Danylenko on

There was a presence in the room that Edmund was unaware of, one of the enemy’s trained assassins. The demon cackled, about there, all the whirlwinds of trials had hit their target, Edmund, with a mighty punch. Soon, he would be numb, no longer praying. A zombie staring into space. The plan was working. As the demon went to leave, Edmund made it to his knees, and at his weakest, he called out the only name he knew, that he could gasp out JESUS! Edmund fell over to the bathroom floor crying uncontrollably, releasing the battle to God. And the demon raged cowering back to his camp, that name, Edmund had uttered the name, the battle cry.

See the source image

The name of Jesus rose upward, for Jesus is the word and the word does not return void. The word is life. Life cascading on millions of similar shouts unified calling on the precious name of Jesus had reached heaven.

Unknown to Edmund, angels were gearing for another battle, the cries, each, and everyone was heard, and angels fought fiercely for the human race. Warrior Angels of Peace, Healing, Deliverance, and Joy were being dispatched to earth once again. The angels began to descend to earth, midway a great battle was fought with the fallen angels, there were casualties in heaven and on earth. The remaining angels pressed onward, for it is a known fact the devil hates Christmas! The Birth of Christ must be celebrated to bring Hope.

The angels entered the earth’s atmosphere which was covered in a spirit of fear; a yellow sickening haze. The first angel blew the trumpet of Peace, then angels divided into twelve angelic forces.

The angels released the aroma of Christ spreading it throughout the earth, equipping believers to rise and continue spreading the gospel and love of Christ for his people and the lost. Believers carrying the aroma of Christ’s fragrance bringing the joy of triumph. But for the enemy of war, the fragrance brings defeat.

Angels were instructed to keep charge over God’s people protecting them spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Healing was released to the nations as living water cascaded downward from Heaven’s throne, cascading over the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet.

Angels continue their assignments to deliver humanity from the enemy’s wicked hand. God is our deliver who will not forsake us.

Edmund arose up off the bathroom floor walking into his bedroom, he knelt on his knees at his bed, sobs wrenching from his body, waterfalls of tears wetting his coverlet, suddenly he could hear a song reaching his ears, it was a chorus of “Hallelujah” then “Mary did you know.” Angels were singing over the earth.

Slowly, Hope flowed through his body!

Suddenly he heard a chorus of angel voices proclaiming, “He’s Alive” and they began to sing as a Season of Joy was released upon the earth.

He Is Alive”

Angels are watching over us
With the saints that have gone on before us
And they join in a heavenly chorus
Singing “He is alive, He is alive”

He is alive
Death is defeated
Sin has retreated
From the power of the Son
And He is alive
The enemy is faded
The battle still rages
But the war has been won

The stars in the heavens rejoice
With the sun and the moon
And with all of the earth
Let all of creation now lift up their voice
Singing “He is alive, He is alive”

Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive

He is alive
Death is defeated
Sin has retreated
From the power of the Son

He is alive, He is alive
He is alive, He is alive

Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive

Then an angel appeared to Edmund’s proclaiming:

” Do not be afraid, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of power and Love. God is Love! God is with you, he hears the cries of your heart. Praise be to the Lord!

An amazing sight was to behold as the angels sang, the yellow haze of fear that covered the earth began to fade as mankind’s voice sang and rejoiced along with the Angels.

Edmunds’s and many others’ hopes were restored that day of battle releasing hope which ushered in a new Season of Hope.

Through good times and challenging times, we must remember “Jesus is Alive” and to pray and love one another. That is how we conquer fear.

May we enter this “Season of Joy” humbly covering our brothers and sisters (humanity) through prayer in unconditional love in Jesus’ name, having “Hope” God is fighting for us, for he so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten son, Jesus, whose birthday we celebrate in remembrance at Christmas this year!

Monday Prayer

My prayer for you!

May the Lord go before you and also be your rear guard, may love arise all around you, may God’s warrior angels be firmly planted around you and your loved ones, protecting them spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally rebuking evil and putting it under your feet where it belongs. STRAIGHTEN your Crown! Rise up, Breathe and Exhale, this is a new beginning, embrace it, love it and if and when you make a mistake, quickly ask forgiveness and move onward. For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Remember, you are not alone. You are loved unconditionally by God! God knows your heart, and he is working it all out. Have faith, sing a song, and praise him for he deserves all glory. In Jesus’ name, we pray . Amen


Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday

May your day be blessed. May joy follow you. May the Holy Spirit surround you. May Gods favor be upon you. May God shine upon you. May you and your loved ones be covered by armor of God, protected with wings of love. May love flow all around you. You are loved more than you know. ❤️


There is Power in your testimony.

My God is so Great! Jesus never left me nor forsake me. He wooed me and loved me when I couldn’t love myself. He healed my body many times, he is healing my body as I write this, when doctors said no babies, I prayed for one child, and he gave me my hearts desire, a sweet little girl with red hair and blue eyes, she is my joy! Now, many years later, she has blessed me with five wonderful grandchildren, and my cup runs over. God is good and greatly to be praised. When hard times took everything and left me homeless, sick, no friends. God gave me shelter clothes and food. God provided for me like the birds of the air, when others turned from me, the enemy said I was alone, God said otherwise, he became my best friend. God sent an angel to break my chains of captivity. I was obedient, I repented, and God set me free! God loves me, and he loves you, What God does for one, he will do for another , seek God till you find him, you may just discover he was right there waiting all along!

I am his, and I will serve him all the days of my life! God is my restorer, my healer, my savior, and I need him in my life every day!

I give all glory to God!


Rivers of Living Water

Rivers of Living Water

I reach for you knowing you are near

I step out in my faith, hoping to draw you closer

My heart is pounding; I stand with my arms wide open

I can fill you in my stillness

Not a shadow, nor a face

My fear is gone

I feel a comfort that runs deep

I look up, and I am amazed

For coming right at me are the

Living Waters of Grace

I am so excited, waiting, anticipating,

Then I feel the sweet sensations

of living water flowing over me

I stand with arms wide open

To receive

The beautiful gift of your Holy Spirit

Dwelling inside me

Hope is all around

I stand washed anew

Assured in my salvation

Overwhelmed in your grace

Living water flowing over me

Washing my sin clean

Living water setting me free

Sickness gone

Suffering gone

Fear gone

Bondage gone

Addiction gone

Living water flowing over me

Jesus is here, Jesus is here, Jesus is here

Lift up your hands and feel living waters flowing over you and me

Living Waters of Grace, Living Waters of Grace, Living Waters of Grace

Lift up your hands and feel living waters flowing over you and me

God is real. I was searching for him, and all along, God was waiting for me.

God created you, knew you before he placed you in your mother’s womb, that’s a relationship. Sets you free and waits for you to return. That’s pure unconditional love. Come to God as you are, he is waiting and loves you more than you could ever imagine. ❤️

The gift is free, ask God for forgiveness of your sins. God does the rest. Jesus is Lord.

Blessings 🙌


Wednesday Thoughts

🎉Beetreegathering 5th Year Anniversary 🌻🐝💛☀️🎉

Beetreegathering Blog is now five years old.

First Post

I was terrified to post my first blog in 2018.

Since that first blog post, I believe I have written over 378 blog posts to date.

Now, I can’t imagine not posting.

My goal was to reach others, even if it meant only reaching one person.

I’m very humbled to reach this goal. I give all glory to God, our Lord and Savior.

I also want to thank each and every person who subscribed, follows, and reads my post. I sincerely appreciate your readership and loyalty.

When I started blogging, I was going through the hardest trials of my life. I took my pain and used it for good, in hopes my words could encourage that one person who felt alone, isolated, overlooked.

The encouragement I received from my readers blew me away.

Here’s to the next five years…..Love you all. 🌻🐝💛☀️🙌

Love to all my readers.

🌻Monday Scripture 8/28/23 Psalms 91:3

Psalms 91:3 kjv He Will Rescue You

Jesus Rescues artist not known,

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

Verse 3 starts off with odd or unusual words, snare, fowler, and noisome pestilence.

Snare means trap – hidden, sudden, unsuspecting

Fowler is a hunter – satan. or deceitful manipulative people who use schemes to deceive you into sin.

Noisome pestilence – plague, highly contagious pandemic disease

The NIV Version

For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.

God not only intervenes to protect us from traps as well as diseases.

“Surely He shall deliver thee.” This reminds us that deliverance from danger is never accidental; it is always the result of a divine act ordered by God.

This verse gives believers confidence that God will protect his people from the schemes (traps) of the fowler (satan). We can trust God in most dire troubling circumstances.

Do not give up. Focus your eyes on God’s word. God hasn’t forgotten you. God is our safety in a harsh world.

Simply put, Psalms 91:3 insurs us believers that we are safe in God’s hands no matter the circumstances, situation, or struggles. This verse ensures deliverance spiritually and physically from all harm.

That is a Great Amazing Promise of God. Let’s claim this promise today.



Lord, your word says — those who dwell in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Lord, I thank you that you are powerful enough to do mighty things. There is nothing you can’t do. When I am weak, you are strong. My hope is in you, Lord. Thank you for rescuing me and my family from every trap and protecting us from every deadly disease. I stand on Your promises today – and pray this over myself and my family –spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally-believing Your Word is true and faithful, which does not come back void – because you are faithful. I put all my trust in you, my Lord, and Savior today, and every day for the victory is in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank you for rescuing me and my family. Amen!

Tuesday – Thoughts



Life can be a lot like this tree. Things start off great in our growth, and then an unexpected turn can leave us twisted. An example would be fear of rejection. Yet eventually, through the pressure of lessons, we figure out the twist, and our paths become straight again. If you don’t learn the lesson the first time, the lesson keeps repeating over and over. When you find yourself on the same lesson for the third time. Please stop, breathe, and take notes to figure out the mystery of the lesson. Stop the repetition.

While at Lake Morton today, I was reflecting on life and the fear of rejection, which I have struggled with for years ( tree lesson/ repeated lessons), and this duck caught my attention. The duck and I share similarities. It’s obvious the duck didn’t fit in with the White Ibises birds. The old me would have wanted to fit in with the group, not seeing we are different. The group of birds were shunning the duck, yet the duck was oblivious to the shunning being content in her solitary spot on grass, alone and happy. I realized I’m a lot like the duck I found at Lake Morton today. After having gone through twisted growth for several seasons, as the tree above, I am on a straightened path again. I learned the lesson. It’s OK to be alone for a season or seasons. Rejection doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. Solitary seasons are about discovery of yourself, to learn, thrive, and grow yourself a solid foundation that can’t be rocked by life’s storms. Rejection can be good ( I can’t believe I’m saying that, lol). I just recently discovered that white Ibises birds aren’t to be fed or associated with as they transmit samonella. That rejection was about protection of you, and that’s the mystery of the lesson of twisted tree knots.

God Bless



Monday Scripture🌻8/21/23 Psalms 91:2


Psalms 91:2

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”


Isn’t it beautiful, that no matter what we go through big or small in life, we can declare (Speak) : “He (God) is my refuge and my fortress” to me this is a place of protection like a castle with imprenetratable walls, what I am incapable of in human form, God provides supernaturally in spiritual realm. “My God, in whom I trust.” I trust God, I place my trust in God, he died for me a sinner, in that I could live and when I repented of my sins, I became his child. As a child I trust my father when I’m scared, in that he will protect me and my family.

Today, a small challenge, cast your burdens ( problems) upon God. Declare:

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Let your burdens go, let God fight for you on your behalf. Trust in God, he is able to handle the big and small.

Let God Cover You!

Saturday Scripture

Romans 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

God knows our hearts. There is no tricking God , he knows whether we believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again. Once a human heart decides to trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, immediately that person is born from above by power of Holy Spirit and then can freely express out of thier mouth “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

“Every spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and the Spirit of God abides in him.”


Thursday Throwback

This week’s Thursday Throwback is all about coffee. May you enjoy my coffee humor. Blessings 🌻🐝💛☀️

Fearless Friday

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 13 For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

Tuesday Thought

Bee Happy 🌻🐝💛

Monday Scripture

And We Know That In All Things

God Works For The Good Of Those

Who Love Him, Who Have Been Called

According To His Purpose.

Romans 8:28

Grace and Triggers

We all lack the power to change anyone. Change is a personal choice that must come from within yourself. There is only one who can change me, and that is Jesus or myself. Working daily to improve myself doesn’t always mean I am successful. Failure only comes from not trying.

Trigger points are a work in progress that land me in trouble on occasion. Triggers go off like bombs with no warning. This season is hard as I work daily to unfuse those trigger bombs learned in survival mode. Most people never examine or address the triggers most of us have developed. A trigger can simply be caused by not replacing the toilet roll, causing anger and outbursts to others. Yet if we examine the root cause of anger with the trigger, we can retrain our brain on how to respond better. Instead, acknowledge your anger at not having no toliet paper. Ask how can I change this with new solutions. Put several rolls in the basket nearby. Reach inside the cabinrt to get a new roll. Calm yourself down reminding the family that we all need to do our part. Triggers come from different stages of our lives. We can do all things through Christ, even changing trigger responses. The great news is that when Jesus called us, he took us as we were and knew all our weaknesses.

God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12:9). His grace is not only amazing, it is ‘sufficient’. I am so grateful, aren’t you?

Holy Spirit motivates us to do more and live better. Let’s retrain our triggers with Jesus, we will triumph.

Just my thoughts……blessings to you all.

God Waits for You

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Stressed? Anxious? Confused? Hopeless! Dealing with major stuff? Feel like your at the end of your rope? Tie a knot! Hang on!

Pray ! Cast all your burdens on God! Talk to a good friend or trusted family member! Seek help!

Know that God fights for you and will never forsake you! Do you know you are loved by a creator who died so that you may live!

The Best is yet to come! Be Still and know God! He waits for you! ❤️


Yummy Coffee
Photo by Edward Eyer on
God shows us his love. Just be observant.

God Is In The Stillness!

Thought in Reel. Be Still.

Push Play

Love and Coffee🌻🐝

My new Keriug I got for my  birthday is in retirement until the rising costs of kpods drops, too expensive for a big coffee drinker like me.

I’m up early, brewing coffee in an old Mr.Coffee relic slowly trying to wake up as I am anticpating hot coffee with creamer and a sprinkle of cinnamon. 

My thoughts drifted to last night as I watched a beautiful sunset. I was thinking about love ones who have passed.  My parents, two brothers, and my aunt.

Grief is hard.  Disassociation protects, and I can’t feel anything. 😪 The ache inside is unbearable.  I want to cry, yet I can’t. I’m not ready to talk to anyone but God. Only problem is I can’t open up quite yet.  However, a hug would go a long way. My Mom and Aunt Helen gave best hugs, tight and full of love.  I miss them dearly. 😢

I am grateful for memories,  all my loved ones, and this cup of coffee, today. Moving forward  one step at a time.

Cover us, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Praise Prayer

God, you are worthy. I GIVE YOU PRAISE!! Thank you for giving me strength for every hill I had to climb, for every GOLIATH I had to slay, and for every mountain, I had to move.

Thank you for forgiving me for every wrong decision and for wiping all my tears.

Thank you for rejection, as it was good to move people away for my protection.

Thank you for every time I did not fit in, for every night I cried out your name because I felt so all alone, making me depend and trust on you more, becoming the WOMAN I am today!

All these events taught me I was never alone; God,you were always with me. God, you never left me nor forsaked me. Why?

Agape Love. Because of how you (God) LOVES me.

Now I‘ll let you in on a big truth the enemy doesn’t want you to know.

Jesus LOVES you just the same! Wrap that Agape pLove in your heart tonight. SLEEP WELL.


Grateful for Small Things

I am grateful for strawberries.

My homemade birthday cakes heaped with mom’s love, strawberries, and whipped cream.

🍓 Strawberry Birthday Cakes 🎂

My Aunts strawberry field, where sneaky bites awaited if I was brave.

Mostly, strawberries flood my mind with beautiful memories and love from years gone by 🍓🎂🌞❤️🌻🐝

What small thing are you grateful for today?💞

An Offer of Friendship! Bee tree – Gathering – A Tea Party for All!

Hello Beautiful World! May I introduce myself, my birth name is Debra, meaning the Bee, and I created “Beetreegathering blog.”


I am neither young nor old, sharing my scars, for they are my story, and I see them as stars.

I love all people the human race, and I come to share with you, my voice, an instrument used by one greater than me, for when he called my name, I gladly said Yes, and now I am forever his, a princess, for my father is a king, who I adore and Love with all my heart. 

Come one, come all, will you accept the invitation to the grandest “Beetree Gathering” tea party?

The chairs adorned with teal silk rosettes, a lavish angel spread laidupon the friendship table, covered with crystal water glasses catching the last rays of the days sunshine. I have placed out my best china teacups waiting to hold tea or coffee of your choice, with sapphire blue vases holding pink carnations, their scent permeating the air. Please, have a seat, your special seating awaits you, this chair is for you!

Why? Don’t you know? Haven’t you guessed?

I extend to each of you my hand and offer it in friendship, I hope you will accept my invitation and attend my tea party, here at “bee tree- Gathering!”

I am giving my readers a party, to show my gratitude. There is no charge, the gathering is FREE!

First and foremost, thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate all your likes and comments, thankful for the precious time you gave reading my thoughts.

Allow me the honor to know you by giving me a little rhyme or introduction, for my father has many children and many mansions. I am excited to meet you in my “Messages” below!

Your teacup awaits you!

Love ❤️ Beetreegathering


I enjoy watching squirrels off my patio, as they forge going from tree to tree.

However, since moving into my apartment, there has been one squirrel I’m at war with as he loves to come on my patio and tear up my plants, spraying dirt out of the planters.

Today, my friend enemy squirrel began haressing me early. Bob, the squirrel, has stolen ornaments from my planter in the past. I look out the door, and he is in the middle of my Bird of Paradise planter, caught red-handed stealing another treasure.

I open the door and shoo him off. Then Bob squirrel taunts me……

Who can stay mad at Bob’s funny antics. 🤣

Coffee Gratitude

Good Morning,

I was determined to rise early this morning at the cabin. Making my way into the kitchen, I quickly prepared my coffee, pausing to look out the kitchen window at the beautiful lake. I grab my coffee and go out the back door.

I step into the cool stillness of the morning breeze, inhaling the fresh dewy air, pausing to sip my creamy decadent coffee. Slowly, I begin my descent down the path as the stones glow by moonlight leading me toward the pier.

Nestled in the shadows, I could see my favorite hiding place. The Adirondack chair was hidden from view as I slipped into its comfort. I was safe. I slid in and wrapped my shawl around me. The steam was rising from my coffee in the early morning chill. I took a moment to pause as I lifted the cup for another sip. I watched in anticipation as the dark skyline began to dissipate, dew spread over the grass, beads of translucent water, covering like a warm blanket on a cold winter day. The rustle of squirrels, darting back and forth, drew my attention to their play. The nighttime bugs were settling down. The black skyline seemed somber, as if time was standing still, waiting for the miracle. 

I held my breath in anticipation as a small light burst forward on the dark skyline. The glow on the horizon begins to warm the day, lighting up the dew like a thousand fireflies. The brillant sun begins to rise as I shield my eyes, the vivid fiery orange ball sends out burst of colors that glaze the sky in a gorgoeus masterpiece only God could create. The beams of light shoot North, South , East, and West, forming a blazing cross as the colors burst forward, lighting up our world as God gives us all the miracles of another day!

I breathe and begin to give God all the praise and glory for God is worthy.

I share my little insight into my morning to let you know God will meet you wherever you are, whether at home, on the road, in a hospital, homeless, abandoned, rejected, abused or running scared. God has met me in all these places. I was never alone. God was with me. God has never forsaken me. Nor will he forsake you.

Call out to God in your low place. As soon as you call his name, Jesus comes running. Give all your troubles to him. God is equipped to handle your problems. God desires a relationship with you.

I pray your day is blessed 🙌

Psalms 91

Psalms 91 teaches the reader that God’s promise is faithful. The prayer assures us that in all we walk through in this life on earth, God is present reminding us we are not alone, even in the midst of chaotic problems or hardship challenges. God will not forsake us, nor will God let us alone. God protects us and fights for each of us. Being human, I also pray this prayers coverage over my family and myself and future generations.

The reader can declare “Psalms 91 is true over ___________ lives—that though a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, no harm, no evil, no sickness, no disease, no pestilence, and no plague shall come near us or our dwelling place. I thank you for the angels of God assigned to us today.Thank you, God, for your provision and protection.

Another way to utilize Psalms 91 is to personalize the prayer for daily use ……

“Heavenly Father, I thank you that we dwell in the. shelter of the Most High and that we rest in the shadow of the Almighty. We say of you, Lord, ‘You are our refuge and our fortress, our God, in whom we trust.’ I thank you that you save us from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.   I thank you that you cover us with your feathers, and under your wings, we find refuge. I thank you that we do not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.   I thank you that even though a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, no harm will come near us or our family. I thank you that we only observe with our eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.   I thank you that since we have made you the Most High our dwelling, even you, the Lord, our refuge, I thank you no harm will befall us, no disaster will come near our tent.   I thank you that you command your angels concerning us to guard us in all our ways.   I thank you that they lift us up in their hands so that we will not even strike our feet against a stone. I thank you that we tread upon the lion and the cobra and that we trample the great lion and the serpent. I thank you that because we love you, you rescue us and protect us because we acknowledge your name. I thank you that when we call upon you that you answer us.  I thank you that you are with us in trouble.  I thank you that with long life you satisfy us and show us your salvation.”

May your prayers be blessed. God is reminding us we are not alone. God watches over us and fights for us.



Faith is not visible and means different things to many people. If someone asked you, “What is FAITH” How would you answer?

For me, personally, faith is simply choosing to believe that God is for me, loves me, and whether life throws me curves or is going great, I know God has the power to help me no matter what comes my way on this earth.

I believe God’s word, the Bible which is simply basic instructions before leaving earth. (Learned that in Sunday School.) Faith is my confidence in God, his word promises he will never leave or forsake me.

Deuteronomy 31:6New International Version (NIV) Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

I choose FAITH, it is my personal choice to believe that Jesus was born robbed in flesh, walked this earth, was persecuted, and suffered so that I might have life. Jesus died for my sins, that by my belief in him, asking forgiveness, my sins are forgiven. I can’t save myself, I had to repent!

Ephesians 2:8-9New International Version (NIV) –For it is by grace you have been saved, through FAITH—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

I believe in FAITH, God’s gift to me through his son Jesus! Forgiveness brought joy I can’t describe. It is the beginning of an incredible journey, a relationship with the creator of our universe. A New Beginning!

Salvation is not just for me. It’s for every man, woman, and child! Take that first step of faith and believe that God is for me! (Meaning you)Here is to New Beginnings, The Best is Yet to Come!



My Word for 2023

“Redemption (apolutrósis) refers supremely to the work of Christ on our behalf, whereby he purchases us, he ransoms us, at the price of his own life, securing our deliverance from the bondage and condemnation of sin. The New Testament speaks of Christ’s saving work in this way frequently. “


Someday……let today be your someday.


Take a moment to pause, go sit in the sun, soak up the sun rays in a cozy rocker or a laid back wooden Adirondack chair.

Be still in the moment, close your eyes, breathe deeply in 4 slow counts, exhale slowly 8 counts. Do you feel the breeze on your face? Don’t move just be still.

Clear your mind, give thanks to the creator, slip off your shoes, rub your bare feet into sand or grass, connect with earth.

Feel the breeze circling around you, that is how the holy spirit feels, like a breeze that envelopes you, as you can feel the breeze, so is it the same with the holy spirit, you cannot touch either the breeze or the spirit of God, yet they are all-around us, you aren’t alone. God is with you in the stillness. God waits for you, drawing you close, inviting as he desires a relationship with you. God’s love is unconditional and infinite, you are loved more than you can imagine. God yearns for you and patiently waits for you, putting witnesses on your path for divine appointments. God and angels rejoice as you turn to him. You are his beloved.

Someday….let someday be today.


The Noise is Deafening

Three months have passed since my last post, as I was dealing with anxiety and depression, losing all inspiration to write or be creative. Anxiety isolated me from going anywhere or doing anything, taking over my entire life.

I sought therapy, saw doctors, and looked for holistic ways to help myself. Research, research, and more research.

I was miserable, and I made those around me miserable. I slowly stopped praying. I stayed in bed a lot, and felt lost and out of touch.

I accidentally came across my therapist, referring to a person who was dealing with Domestic Violence. The therapist and I began chatting, and she offered to treat me for free when I told her all the obstacles, I ran into trying to get help.

Slowly I began to unravel the web of my brain. I started facing my fears, one by one…. The therapist listened intently to my conversations. I think one of the greatest gifts for a person facing mental illness is to have someone listen, to finally be heard. Acknowledging that their voice is important and worthy of being heard.

Learning to shut down all the negative voices in my mind and intrusive thoughts is hard work, as I am unlearning false statements made by others, that were said in anger, aggression, and threatening or controlling situations.

Joyce Meyers published a book, called “Battlefield of the Mind.” I am convinced that is where most of my own spiritual warfare has been fought. Why do we so quickly believe the negative words of others, versus the positive words of God?

Doubt grew in my mind and over all the titles I had been given as a woman, friend, daughter, sister, mother, and grandmother. My healing journey is still ongoing, as facing fears is emotionally challenging. Facing silence was one of my biggest fears but one of my most rewarding ones thus far. We live in a very noisy world after spending a day in nature surrounded by silence, I realized a lot of the things in my mind came from outside sources. I was able to truly relax, breathe, and feel one with God’s creation of our beautiful world. I lay in the grass, and observed our blue sky, feeling the wind on my face, and the heat of the sun, realizing I am connected to a universe much bigger than my mind can grasp. I walked on the shores allowing water to splash over my feet, picking up shells, and for the first time since I was a child, I didn’t allow myself to worry about what others were thinking about me in my own perception. I simply stood in the present, not going in the past, not going to the future, just simply standing in the present with a blue sky, and the sun. I learned how to truly let go and just be me.

God uniquely formed us in our mother’s wombs, to be different, to stand out, to be a light in a dark world. The trap of the enemy is to convince us to be like the world. Keep up with the world, to lose ourselves in the world. I became a victim, which caused my anxiety and depression, as I was not who I was created to be.

Healing allows my soul to soar, it also allows me to see the beauty in all those around me more clearly on their journeys.

During this time of facing silence, I created a place in my home that is my prayer center, which also allows my creativity to flow in art and hopefully writing.

My motto became, ” Let All You Do Be Done in Love!”

I added art I had created:

Then I scheduled a time each morning to spend here with the Lord. I slowly got my prayer life back on track. I read Eat Pray & Love.

Love is patient, Love is Kind, Love is not jealous or boastful, it is not arrogant or rude, and does not insist on its own way, Love bears all things, believes all things, endures all things, hopes in all things, Love is infinite and never ends, and my favorite is “Love covers a multitude of sin.”

I believe Love is what allows us to forgive one another.

Silence is a gift; it allows the mind to clear out all the noise of the world. Bringing relaxation to the mind, body spirit, and soul. Decompressing our minds, breathing in and out, listening anticipating hearing our savior’s voice to guide us and lead us daily.

In this loud, chaotic world of noise, it is now time for silence, turn off the noise. Take deep breaths, feel your heartbeat, soak in the silence and listen for God’s voice.

Be Blessed in Jesus’s Name!

Favorite readings I would like to pass along are the following:

Bible – Psalms 91, Hebrews 13: 5-6, Psalms 34:4

You are more than you know written by Patsy Clairmont “I had to learn feelings aren’t facts”

Faith in the Valley written by Iyanla Vanzant

Journey to the Heart written by Melody Beattie

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World written by Joanna Weaver

The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional written by Gary Chapman

T D Jakes Instinct, The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive

Getting Over Illness

Well, this has been an eventful past two weeks. Nearly my entire family contracted some form of covid, we didn’t gather, we live miles apart, our family is a mixture of vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Grateful to report, all are doing well and on road to recovery. I think the worst part for me was, I had it in Jan. 2020, it debilitated me for four months. Recently on Jan. 10, 2022, I tested positive. This time it took from Jan. 8th till this week. Not sure how I got it. The duration was shorter, and I did get bronchitis, which my doctor treated with an inhaler and prednisone. I took Ciacordian for cough and congestion over Mucinex as it made my backache. I ran a low-grade fever with Tylenol for five days. I applaud my doctor, he was awesome and available 24/7 by portal or phone while I was sick!

We all treated ourselves differently, myself, I had half my desk covered, like a medical table. I raised my bed, slept on my right side. I continued my low-sugar diabetic eating plan, drinking green tea, water, and coffee with raw honey. My appetite stayed normal. Being diabetic, I was warned my sugar level would spike high to monitor several times a day especially being on the steroid. Surprisingly, my blood sugar dropped, unexplainably! This whole last year I have fought hard to lower my sugar level with a nutritionist, doctor, exercise, and supplements, I never went below 140 fastings. However, while fighting covid, my sugar level dropped to 98 and stayed consistent. I am just amazed. That is God! I praise him and thank him.

Medical devices it pays to have on hand, help reporting vitals to your doctor:

O2 sensor, touchless thermometer, blood pressure cuff

Here is my list:

Aspirin- to avoid clots

Cordiciadian – cough and cogestion

Tylenol Arthritis Strenght – (2) every 12 hours

Inhaler- 2 puffs every four to six hours

Prednisone- (1) 20 per day

Vitamin d3 10,000 iu daily with tums for calcium

Airborn vitamin C packs



Raw Honey

Vinegar steam helped the congestion- (I) cup apple cider vinegar to small pot filled with water, bring to boil breath in….helped me alot.

The last two days I started to suddenly feel normal, like myself again. It took me some time to realize, my depression was in hiding, along with my anxiety. That is God! I praise and thank him.

I specifically thank the prayer warriors who lifted me and my family before God, as I feel your prayers and mine were answered. Praising God! I give him all the glory! It is a priceless gift to have those who will pray for you when in a crisis. Never be afraid to ask for prayer, you don’t have to give details, the reason can remain private. Just saying “I need prayer is enough!”

I feel amazingly clear and focused. I have been tweaking my apartment for the last two days, cleaning and sterilizing after being sick, and I began to feel a creative flow. I painted two projects, repurposed a table into an end table, completed my interior design plan on my kitchen, planning my next thrift store run. I make stuff and I am thrifty and I had an idea, that I needed to use or find a function for what I owned or release it to goodwill. My biggest excitement is that I was able to take two twin mattresses in my spare room and add them to my full-size bed turning it into a queen bed. Now there is room for the grandbabies, they always sleep with grammy, and we got more room.

My daughter kept a close eye on me, dropped off groceries, and I cooked this new recipe which is a sheet pan chicken dish. It is made with vinegar and apricots! Delicious, beyond good. Today I caught myself singing and dancing in the kitchen, I was thanking God, grateful and thankful for all he is doing and will continue to do.

Through this all, God is my anchor! I trust him! He deserves all my praise! My family and I are fortunate, and I am grateful for our recovery.

I read through Romans, and it reminded me of a post I wrote a long time ago, which I am looking for, I hope to find, edit and post by Sunday! Lord willing!

Hope everyone enjoyed the snow! We were covered in Ice, it was pretty, and gone as of today!

Have a Great Week!

Love Beetreegathering

Prayer for Healing

My father let those who are sick come to you, heal their bodies with no lasting effects, woo the lost, the brokenhearted, the despondent, bind up their wounds, and release extraordinary joy. I have heard it said that you love us all, good, and bad, you walk among us and save those who are crushed in spirit. I pray for salvation for all humans, for protection over our families, friends, and strangers, these individuals that I lift to you believing you will not forsake us. I pray “Psalms 91” pleading your blood over them. I stand humbly before you God and ask you to open their ears, their minds, and their eyes. I see them as future saints adorned in crowns of beauty, gladness, and garments of praise. Lord, I know your truth is for every man, woman, and child. I pray for warrior angels commanded by you Lord, to set a hedge of protection around them, to guard them, so that when your vessels of saints come in contact with them and speak your truth and salvation, the light in your vessels will not be your saints they see, it will be you, their Redeemer, their Savior, JESUS, whose words will turn the lost to being found and the despondent to having hope, and the hopeless to be full of joy. All to be planted in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with the assurance of salvation. Save them, God, our doors are open, and we welcome them into your house. We humbly come before you praising you and all your creation! There is nothing going on under the sun and moon that you don’t already know about! Lord, we ask that the schemes of the enemy be brought out of darkness into the light exposed and destroyed by you! Father, we pray you to eradicate, cancel and void Covid 19, Cancer, Aids, man-made virus, diseases, and afflictions! Father, we declare healing to our nation for by your stripes we are healed! We take authority pleading the blood of Jesus, believing for protection over our children, grandchildren, all our families, and friends. We ask in Jesus’ name that you surround us with the pure white light of Christ’s love, protecting each and everyone spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. We pray a strong hedge of protection around our nation believing and having faith God’s protection is there. Standing firm in the faith, that Jesus Christ is with us, knows our need for healing, delivering, and providing us from the smallest to the greatest of our details. We bind up the enemy, in all areas, all attacks, all schemes, all devices, canceling them and declaring them void in the authority and name of Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord that you FIGHT for us and make a way, that we are the head and not the tail, We are above only and not beneath, We are complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power, We are alive with Christ, We are free from the law of sin and death, We are far from oppression and fear does not come near us. We are born of God and the evil one does not touch us! We are redeemed from the curse of sin, sickness, and poverty, We are healed by the stripes of Jesus, For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind! We are greatly loved by God! We are submitted to God and the devil must flee from us because we resist him in the Name of Jesus! We are firmly rooted, built up, established in our faith, and overflowing with gratitude in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

A Wolf and a Warrior

A Wolf and a Warrior!

The following poem was written during whirlwind trials, one after another. I am no more or less than any reader reading this post. I believe what God did for me, he will also do for you! May you be encouraged and inspired.

Photo by Andrew Burns on

Be aware all you unbelievers, there is a ravenous wolf who is on the prowl,

He is coming to you in Sheep clothing; he disguises himself as your friend.

And he comes to the light.

He does not want to eat you, he is seeking to destroy you, stealing your most beloved.

He is sniffing around, closing in, and getting remarkably close.

He is hunting you down, discovering all your weaknesses.

I know him well.

In my innocence of youth, the wolf stole many things from me.

He stole my identity, my confidence, my self-esteem, and my love for myself.

The wolf stole my beloved husband and child, my health, my career, my wealth, and my home.

Taking my most loving relationships and shredded them to pieces!

On the inside, the wolf had ripped me apart, leaving me for dead!

In the aftermath, as I lay frozen in chaos, confusion, hurt, and strife,

A hand reached down to lift me up out of the pit of my sorrows

And up out of the miry clay rose a woman hand-picked by God!

Photo by u0410 on

Beware! Wolf Spirit who comes in Sheep clothing

It is time you know who I really am,

God walked my path with me, he never left me

God drew his wings around me and covered me in his protective arms

God led me to restoration!

God drew my spirit, led me to repentance, filled me with the Holy Spirit, and I was baptized in Jesus’ Name!!

My sins were wiped clean, white as snow!

I am a warrior of the highest God!

Photo by Mari Korz on

I am sweet, kind, humble, gentle and a lover of Jesus.

I love all people, with deep compassion!

I awakened and was reformed by the Potters Hands!

I was molded for a purpose and destiny!

The gifts hidden in me are flowing out producing good fruit!

Step back ole ravenous wolf and hear me roar like Lion of Judah, for before you stand a woman fully confident in whom she is in Christ!

I am a watcher, a guardian, and a prayer warrior.

I know how to call on the name of JESUS!

I am receiving knowledge, wisdom, and weapons of battle.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

I am everything with Christ and nothing without him!

I can address the Holy Spirit in the heavenly language of speaking in tongues; I am a wailer, a crier, someone who will stand in the gap.

Get thee away from my people! I plead the blood of Christ upon them.

God will protect them, deliver them, and save them, for they are future children of the highest God!

I take back my life and all you stole!! I bind you up and cast you to the deepest seas to never return.

I unleash from heaven all God’s blessing and miracles for all people, in Jesus’ name.

I am worthy, and I open my hands to receive the miracles and blessings of God!

I am his warrior, and I will serve God all the days of my life!

As God promises: Acts 2: 38 Then Peter said unto them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all who are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

I will instruct my daughter and my grandchildren all I know! They will be firmly planted on a firm foundation of truth, of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Thank you, Jesus!!!!

God Whispers of Truth – Viv

Artist Unknown

Viv, our fellow blogger, and sister in Christ, who writes on “God’s Whispers of Truth” is in need of our compassion, empathy, love, and support!

Please read and share, Viv’s Story in the below links, let us shower her family with prayer and encouragement! I have provided a ‘Go Fund Me” link below. to help with her husband’s medical costs, any amount helps. $5, $10, $15, $20, $50, or Higher. All amounts will help greatly, you can also donate anonymously.

Artist Unknown

Lets Bring My Hubby Safely Home

Go Fund Me Page For Schrock Family
Go Fund Me for Viv’s Family


Dear Heavenly Father, as we call on your precious name from above, may you hear our cries for Viv’s family and the health issues that have whirlwind their family, God we stand on your word and plead the precious holy blood of Jesus around our sister in Christ and her precious family. Lord God, we bind up these diseases in the mighty name of Jesus calling forth your word, standing in faith that by your stripes they are healed. We understand Lord your healing can be either side of heaven, and we ask God that you would send warrior angels to wrap their wings around this family protecting them spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. God call forth your saints in her region to mentor, support, and love them in this crisis. God call forth your angels of giving to supply their every need. God call forth an army of doctors whose hands are your hands guiding in all procedures and plans of care. God call forth caregivers who are believers, that will support in all capacities. Lord surround them with the pure white light of Christ’s Love in Jesus’ name.

Father, we give thanks for all the wonderful things you will do for this family, in Jesus’ name!

Anna Taylor

Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award- Something to Stu Over

Wow, there are many BEE-UTIFUL blogs on WordPress. All of my readers are great writers, who have a unique capacity to have touched many lives on our journey. Fellow writers subscribed to my new blog and then actually recommend it to others. Inspiring doesn’t cut how that made me feel. There are no words for that emotion I felt. Recommendations allowed the “Beetreegathering” Blog to grow steadily over time.

One Courageous writer at Something to Stu Over was created by my friend STU. Today, I nominate Stu, of Something to Stu Over for the “ Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award” as Stu is greatly gifted in encouragement, in writing about addictions of every kind, Stu was one of my earliest followers and has encouraged me greatly. What I love about Stu’s Blog is its versatility and diversity in speaking on taboo subjects not openly discussed as Christians. Unknown to Stu, he helped me face trauma, which lead to healing in my personal life. Like fellow blogger Renee, I feel Stu is the real deal and has a heart as big as Texas, not passing judgment on others. Stu sincerely tries to lead those in the chains of addiction to the freedom of Christ. The second thing that grabbed my attention was his loyalty and unconditional love to “Angie” and his family. Stu, there was a time I was bombarded by the enemy to stop writing, convincing me I was worthless, and I had decided after posting “How the Littlest Angel Turned Sobbing into Joy I would quit writing. However that day, you paid me the following compliments:

“If I didn’t know better I would believe that Frank Peretti gave you the rights to his books so you could write another book in the vein of “Piercing The Darkness.” This was outfreakingstanding! And a story I deeply needed. Thank you, sis!!”

Then you Reblogged my angel story over at “Something to Stu Over” and commented:

Ok, dear blogging family and friends…this post I hinted at in my Sunday Music post. And well…I just do not have the patience needed to wait to share my December post picks. Though I will still stick it in there This post deserves more than my humble words can say to express what I felt when reading it. But to those who feel prayer is not powerful and has no purpose, let me just say you are incorrect. Your spoken word in pray so, have them wrap their wings around them for protection during this time. May the enemy be thwarted and your child protected. And then off they go charging into battle against the evil surrounding your loved one. With each word, they become stronger! With each additional friend praying their words to compound onto yours giving the angel for strength to fight until all is vanquished and they surround your friend with their wings and comfort them.
Please go read this. Share this with your friends. And then pray for your loved ones like their lives depend on it…because sometimes it does!”

Stu, today, my writing continues because of your encouragement. I recognize you in front of all our fellow bloggers and writers, as I look at a larger picture. God took a Courageous man and gave him a ministry to talk about issues that are silent in the Christian world. Your ministry has helped countless get on the path to freedom from their addictions. I thank God there are men like you in the Christian World that can help those under assault and attack from the enemy, what your doing is desperately needed and I pray you always continue in your calling. I believe God works through you in delivering those trapped in a dark pit. Your ministry reminds me of a powerful word I received many years ago:

I sincerely believe every person needs a person called“STU” in their life! Blessings my friend!

STU. The goal of this award is to help give recognition and also to help encourage new bloggers. The Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award recognizes bloggers who share their stories or thoughts in a Bee-utiful manner to connect with viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award, the nominated blogger should nominate a fellow blogger, who has been a cornerstone in their journey: STU, I congratulate you on a Bee-utiful Blog that has touched and transformed lives. Thank you for all the wonderful stories and posts that have led many to freedom!

2022 Prayer of Blessings for Our Families

Dear Lord, our father in heaven, I ask, I decree and declare for my family this is our time for restoration. Our family will break down all the strongholds keeping us from your blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that our mouths shall speak and be filled with joyful songs. I decree that the Lord will do great and mighty things in our lives. Restoration is coming to our house in the name of Jesus! I believe the Lord will restore all our losses and provide abundantly above what we could possibly imagine. All we have sown in tears; we shall reap in joy!

Our years of fruit-lessness is going to be transformed into mighty fruitfulness with a mighty harvest in the name of Jesus. Greater is he that dwell in us and greater things he is going to bring forth unto our family. All our family will dwell in the secret place of the Most High God. Our family will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. He is our refuge and fortress and he will cover us. He will save us from the fowler’s snare and the deadly pestilence. We shall all walk in excellent health. No weapon formed will touch us. We are his Anointed Children!

I call forth the treasures the enemy has stolen from us to be restored abundantly and immediately. I call forth the blessings of the Lord in every area of our lives. I call forth our breakthrough that seemed lost for so long to come suddenly. I call forth our accelerating breakthrough in Jesus mighty name. I declare and decree for our family this day that the power, glory, and the Kingdom of God will come upon every aspect of our lives.

There is power in our declarations, just raise your hands to Heaven and receive it. God will move Heaven and Earth for his beloved Sons and Daughters. Instead of letting that doubt creep in and make you waver, speak forth with faith and power for nothing is impossible with God.

Photo by Luis Quintero on

I confess, I proclaim, I declare, I believe for my family’s; salvation, protection, excellent health, longtivity, abundance, prosperity, love, joy, faith and hope. I declare that we are blessed by God. We have God-given abilities to do exceedingly well in all that God has sent us to do on earth. We will prosper and increase in number. We will fill the earth and take charge of our roles and responsibilities on earth. We receive everything God has provided in order for us to prosper and the words of the God of all creation shall be fulfilled concerning us and all our generations. This is my declaration over my life and all my family’s lives!.

Photo by Pixabay on

Therefore, I have spoken as Gods child! In faith, we believe and receive in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

Photo by cottonbro on

Psalm 91

Good Morning Readers!

I always love a good cup of coffee, while reading. Maybe you enjoy tea, that’s good too. The important thing some of us need today is to just just take a pause, just stop and take a moment to breathe. May I encourage you to read this beautiful prayer?

My favorite go-to prayer is Psalms 91. A powerful prayer of protection in God’s word! God says to speak life and speak it abundantly. Take a moment to read this prayer and speak it over your family.

See the source image

I embedded a video by Lauren Daigle that is an upbeat worship song, “Your Wings” by Laura Daigle! Hope you enjoy!#psalms91prayerofprotection

bee tree – Gathering, Please Share:

America – What we have in Common!

Americans are more against each other than for one another. The division in our nation is great; unprecedented. I don’t have a clue how to fix it? Maybe your like me, tired, frightened and worried for your family only trying to survive another day. A recent article talked about America heading toward succession because of the differences we are battling. A divided America…. That can Never Happen! A divided America cannot stand.

What do Americans have in common? All Americans in some form pursue the American dream, choices belong to individuals, not government, in the pursuit of happiness, freedom. A majority want a government that is for all people that can be trusted. A voting system that is ethical. Good medical care. Systems in place that protect all people from “Big Pharm” and researchers that want cures and search for them. Affordable Housing. Our children are our legacy and our greatest treasure, we need better education, childcare that is affordable to all and to allow our children to pursue their dreams in life without fear. Racism has many categories and our nation needs racial healing. Discrimination is ongoing and our systems need a revamp, holding workplaces accountable, without retaliation, fearmongering, or loss of employment. With all we know, how do we go forward and make America better? Maybe it starts with being free thinkers, instead of being spoon fed information and beginning conversations that bring about change or asking questions like ” How do you know what you know? What are your sources? Is there a monetary kickback for your work?. The conversations will be hard, yet the possibility of reconciliation could bring back unification of America.


Heavenly Father, we need you! Our fight isn’t against people on earth but against the rulers and the authorities and powers of this worlds darkness. Against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world. Lord, today we put on the full armor of God.On the day of evil we, your creation can stand strong, knowing you fight for us and when we are weak, God you are a strong house, a tower who covers us and protects us with your wings. Lord we submit to you, resisting the devil so he will flee from our land. Thank you for disarming the devil and making a public spectacle of the forces of evil triumphing over them by the work of the cross. Lord bind up all strategies of old of the enemy. Lord may you rebuke this Great Spiritual Deception, cancelling its abilities to deceive! Lord, thank you in advance for canceling, voiding and nullifying all plans against humanity.Thank you for loving us and fighting for us all! Lord thank you for releasing from heaven a spiritual, physical , mental and emotional healing for every man, woman and child from crown of our heads to souls of our feet with rivers of living water running through us, cleansing us from spiritual battles and man made battles, surrounding our nation with the pure white light of Christ’s Love, enveloping this nation from sea to shinning sea. Thank you Lord that we are loved more than we can ever imagine by a God who died for our sins so that we may live and have eternal life! Healing starts with remembering we are all connected and part of a wonderful plan, God has plans to prosper and not harm to give us all HOPE! The division needs to stop, when Jesus died on the cross, he died for ALL!You All are my Brothers and Sisters, we are All Americans! Our country was built on God, we may be broken , yet we are not defeated! May God’s weepers and warriors arise and pray!

In Jesus Name! Amen!

To answer my own question, “What do Americans have in common? The answer is simple! LOVE. God our creator loves us all!

Coffee & Laughter

The anticipation is there, that perfect hot cup of coffee, how great it would be if our coffee cups, let us know , the coffee is indeed Hot! LOL

As I look inside my cup, the brown color tells me it needs a little creamer. I’m trying “White Chocolate with Macadamia” this week. A little goes a long way, yet it is , so Good!

Then I have to decide will I add sugar too? One lump or two? LOL

Then I am ready, my first sip is divine, coffee lady, who has a sense of humor, I just love the wiggly doggie…………….
Coffee is one of my treats , I do for me, A simple act of kindness to myself, yet nothing was more fun than paying for the order behind me, in my favorite coffee drive through, it allowed me to be anonymous, giving, and joyful!
A simple Act of Kindness can indeed be a beautiful act of love, so go ahead this fall, figure out a simple inexpensive way to give and watch your joy level rise!
Coffee and Kindness! Blessings to All!

His Eye is Upon You!


Greetings on this fine day! Today I held Remberance for 9/11, it’s been twenty years since the attack by the Teliban! May we never forget and always stand for Freedom and Liberty!

My painting today started out as one thing and totally ended up in a way different project than I planned.

My painting today is called ” His Eye is Upon You!”

His Eye Is Upon You!

Prayer & Coffee


Good Morning, How are you today? Not so good? Me neither, trying to rise above! So, I thought maybe we could have a wee bit of coffee and a prayer together! My small coffee pot for one , no matter how I make it always ends up with coffee grinds in it, I’m not complaining , nope, really ecstatic to have coffee! I LOVE “me” some coffee with Starbucks creamer! The other creamer is out of stock “White Chocolate & Raspberry!”

teacups and saucers on a tray
Photo by samer daboul on

First off, let me say “God Bless you each and everyone!” I hope your day is filled with joy! Today we all have a choice to let our light shine, with all that is before us in these uncertain days! I choose to Shine!

And share a prayer, may it bring us all peace!

Dear God, we humbly come before you praising you and all your creation! There is nothing going on under the sun and moon that you don’t already know about! Lord we ask that the schemes of the enemy be brought out of darkness into the light exposed and destroyed by you! Father we pray you eradicate, cancel and void Covid 19, Cancer, Aids, man made virus, diseases and afflictions! Father, we declare healing to our nation for by your stripes we are healed! We take authority pleading the blood of Jesus, believing for protection over our children, grandchildren, all our families and friends. We ask in Jesus name that you surround us with the pure white light of Christ love, protecting each and everyone spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. We pray a strong hedge of protection around our nation believing and having faith God’s protection is there. Standing firm in the faith, that Jesus Christ is with us , knows our need for healing, delivering and providing us from the smallest to the greatest of our details. We bind up the enemy, in all areas, all attacks, all schemes, all devices, cancelling them and declaring them void in the authority and name of Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord that you FIGHT for us and make a way , that we are the head and not the tail, We are above only and not beneath, We are complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power, We are alive with Christ , We are free from the law of sin and death, We are far from oppression and fear does not come near us. We are born of God and the evil one does not touch us! We are redeemed from the curse of sin, sickness, and poverty, We are healed by the stripes of Jesus, For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, love and a sound mind! We are greatly loved by God! We are submitted to God and the devil must flee from us because we resist him in the Name of Jesus! We are firmly rooted, built up, established in our faith and overflowing with gratitude in Jesus name we pray . Amen!

I dont know about you all! I sure feel better after praying!

photo of coffee mug on top of book
Photo by fotografierende on

Now take that great cup of coffee and look out your window!

Rejoice for this is the day the Lord has made!

True joy is never dependent on our circumstances.

Waiting on God’s Promises!

Are you are waiting on the promises of God?

Rejoice and stand, your faith will sustain you, no matter how long it takes!

The devil wants us all to grow weary and tired. If the devil can get us tired, the devil will snatch your hope right out from under your feet. Before you know it, you will have to quit believing in God’s promises.

God’s time isn’t our time. The minute you stand on God’s promises and stand in faith, praying, the light begins to flicker, then burn.

Remember, no matter how long it takes “REJOICE” God’s promises will come to pass. For Jesus is our Savior, Way-maker, Healer, Provider, Deliver, Counsel, Teacher, and Friend. Oh, how Jesus Loves us all! 🙌💞✝

In Matthew 7:7 (AMP),

Jesus tells us, “Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.”

Vertigo An Answer To A Prayer!

Yesterday, I awoke , sat up with my world turning upside down. All gravity and balance was gone. When I tried to lift my head, the world spun to point I felt like I was passing out. I was helpless. Yesterday was like a bad roller coaster ride. Every-time I tried to pull forward, I was twisted and turned all around. I ended up flat on the carpeted floor the first time I tried to go toward the bathroom. Lucky for me my half bath is tiny, located under a staircase, I had no other choice but to lean into the wall, then I crawled back to my couch.

Luckily, my purse was near me, I pulled out a finger pulse/ oxygen sensor, then a thermometer , and lastly my blood sugar meter. All these gadgets, showed my vitals and blood sugar we’re normal. Maybe your wondering why I’ve kept those gadgets in my purse. Simply, since last year they became essential because of Covid Virus. There have been many times that I’ve been glad of their purchase because of my anxiety, fearing going to a hospital. I have had Vertigo once in the past and felt confident that was what I was dealing with at this time. I proceeded to lay there until 6:30 pm that night, finally got up ate a simple meal.

My vertigo reminded me that I am not in control, yet God is in full control.

Despite chaos everywhere, God is on the throne handling it all. God isnot taken by surprise.

I was reminded that when I can’t walk straight, when I am weak, God carried me through.

Being a person who endures anxiety, the last few weeks were overwhelming, with all the news reports, of Covid, Delta Variant, Afghanistan debauchery, fake news, fearmongering, and isolation took a toll on my mental health. I’m scared, worried for all humanity, feeling helpless that I can’t do anything to help, just wanting to hear good news.

Vertigo made me realize I can help and possibly inspire others by writing the good news I seek.

Good News today!

1. Our planet still functions in all it’s beauty with our Awesome Sun and Amazing Universe that was miraculously spoke into being by our creator who breathed life into us and when humanity fell short and sinned. God in his infinite love made a way for us all to have everlasting life and salvation by dying on a cross bearing the weight of the world upon himself. Rising from the dead three days later, ascending into heaven. Jesus paid the one time price for you. When you ask God into your heart and to forgive your sins, you are forgiven as far as east is to the west, your sins are remembered no more, white as snow, past , present and future. God resides in you and you are a work in progress.

2. There is a spiritually powerful weapon at your disposal. It’s called Prayer! Talk to God like you talk to your best friend. Then always give thanks to God and glorify him.

“Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Deuteronomy says of God’s army that ‘one man (could) chase a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight’ (32:30).

Bible Matthews 18:20

“There is a multiplied effect in being together before God. It was the corporate prayer of Acts 1:14 that produced the corporate power of Acts 2:42-47. Corporate prayer brings corporate power (Acts 4:14-31).” 

Steve Meeks

“Unity is a force. Whenever any group of people gather in one accord, nothing can be impossible with them.” “There is power in praying together.

author unknown

Unity Prayer for Today.

Photo by Rodolfo Clix on
Heavenly Father, Today I bind all prayers together for humanity and loose the prayers upon your angels to give flight to bring our words thoughts, needs before you, understanding there is power in praying together even though our needs be separate, believing in prayer of unification, that millions of angels take flight with our  prayers carrying them forward to  your holy throne with no hindrances from the enemy. May all our cries be heard and all our tears wiped. Lord we trust in you as your word promises you will fight for us. May your angels encamp around us, protecting us from evil, may no plague come near us, may we rejoice as you bring us out, of the fire, carrying buckets of water, spiritual living waters for others, as we rejoice in victory!
 In Jesus name Amen. 

The Story in the Picture

Photographs tell stories, yet most remain silently unobserved within the picture. The picture longs to speak, telling its hidden story. The little girl does not know about the gift of courage placed inside her before she was placed in her mother’s womb, which is rising to combat all that is against her.

 I relate to this image because I recognize the darkness floating around the young girl; surrounding her deep thoughts while smiling outwardly. On the inside, the wait can be unbearable, her pain unnoticed, while she smiles outwardly as her stomach rumbles doubt, like waves of the ocean, the knot of fear that holds her back with chains are being pulled and twisted. Her wrists bleed to break free. A knot continues to rise in her throat to try to silence her once more.  

 At the exact second, she has noticed a light goes off in her, the knot of fear rips out the voice, a roar unleashing words flow from her mouth to her pen, she is silent no more. 

A writer is born.

9/3/2018 DHJ


Words by Clayton Jennings on who Jesus is……

Beautiful descriptions of Jesus by Clayton Jennings!

He’s more than you could ever need

He’s more than the eye could see

I don’t deserve His love, but He’s always been there for me

You see, Jesus met me when I was at my lowest

And if you don’t know Jesus, know this:

He’s the greatest example of

Generosity this world of greed has ever seen

And when Jesus hit the scene, He changed the scenery

And met diversity with serenity

If you’re looking for peace, He offers plenty

Jesus was, and Jesus will forever be King

And when the Angels sing,

They sing of the grace that was displayed for sinners like me

I can’t explain Him, and I can’t describe Him

Because if I could He wouldn’t be Jesus

Because you can’t explain eternity

And you can’t comprehend the galaxies

But it was the loving hands of Jesus, who spun them into existence

And created man, knowing He would go to the cross to pay our sentence

There was a certificate of judgement with a period after the sentence

And we were sentenced to death long before He said, “It is finished”

He’s a father to the orphan, a shelter for the homeless

A hiding place for the abused and an anchor for our storms

He stormed the gates of hell and came out on top

And the power of His gospel cannot be stopped

Even when the world tries… and they try a lot

He trade places with Barabbas and became a catalyst

Of missions across the world covering every portion of the atlas

If you’re in need of rest, I know of a mattress

If you don’t know Jesus, your future is tragic

But He’d gladly embrace tragedy so we

Could live in His presence of majesty

His presence is presents

And it’s His presence that presents

Preciousness to a world of peasants

He’s far from pretentious, but still loves those who are

He’s a light of the world that hung on the stars

He brings the dead to life, but delivers life to the dead

He took a crown of thorns on His head

So we can put crowns at His feet

And I can’t wait until the day I get to kiss His feet that were

Nailed to the cross for me, and for you,

And for every other person around the world

He loves the world and I love His word

Because His word became flesh

And in His flesh, He demonstrated the word to the world

He’s an example to every boy and every girl

He’s a lover of black people; He’s a lover of white people

He’s a lover of the un-churched and the assembly under the steeple

He doesn’t see the believer’s failures;

But still takes time to celebrate their faithfulness

It’s His spirit that enables us

And gives us boldness, even when the world labels us

And if you wanna label me

Please call me a “Jesus Freak”

If that freaks you out, good

Because it’s better to be good with God

Than to fight being misunderstood

By a world that could never understand

So let it be understood that I don’t worship man

I worship Jesus

And although He doesn’t need us

He still sees us, and pleads with us

To run to the cross where He bled for us

His heart bleeds for us; His heart grieves for us

But still graciously grants us a pardon for our treason in a season

Where the world tries to explain away

The work of the spirit with human reasoning

And here’s the reason why they can’t:

Because His spirit is like the wind, and the wind cannot be seen

But loved is he who believes without seeing the unseen

I’m telling you, Jesus is something

He’s something more; He’s something great

And if you wanna know Him, you don’t have to wait

He stands at the narrow path with a key to the gate

And all you have to do is reach out and embrace His grace

I don’t care who is president, I have a King who is always present

I don’t care who hosts musicals, celebrities;

The voice of the Lord will always be the sweetest melody

I don’t care who owns the riches of the globe;

My Jesus has more wealth with more ruby on His robe

I don’t care who’s the strongest or the fastest;

Nothing matches the creator of the

Universe and His immortal, infinite status

I don’t care about religious leaders who died and stay dead

I worship the One who conquered death, and wears a crown on His head

His name is Jesus, and I’m telling you He’s something

He was faithful yesterday, He’s faithful today

I can feel His presence whenever I pray

And when the time comes for me to fade away

I would remember the day I heard Him say,

“My name is Jesus.”Source: MusixmatchSongwriters: Clayton Jennings



A Voice is a powerful weapon!  When people are passionate about a cause or event their voices proudly proclaim what they believe in as a person!

But, what about when people see or come to knowledge of something that is wrong or evil, what if it feels safer to be silent!

Fear will try to wrap around you and shake you to your core, when your voice is on a path to make change, to speak truth!

There is fear in standing up to evil, there is fear of the what if’s or what might happen!

People, listen up,  all will come to a moment when they must stand for what they believe in, I pray you have courage to stand, to right a wrong, or to help another person in need!

What matters most in any of these situations is to always speak the TRUTH!


For One Day, All Will Stand Before God!

And You Will Speak The Truth Of Your Life!


2 Corinthians 5:10