Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award – A Love Story – Warren Richards

Wow, there are many BEE-UTIFUL blogs on WordPress. All my readers are great writers, who have a unique capacity to have touched many lives on our journey. Fellow writers subscribed to my original blog and then actually recommend it to others. Inspiring doesn’t describe how that made me feel. There are no words for that emotion I felt. Recommendations allowed the “Beetreegathering” Blog to grow steadily over time.

One Heartfelt blog writer Warren Richards created the blog  A Love Story“! Today, I nominate Warren Richards, of “A Love Story” for the Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award” as Warren Richards is greatly gifted in writing about heartfelt “Love” spiritually, emotionally, humorously, faithfully, inspiring us all to love more with eyes that are open. Warren shows that “Love” while an emotion must have action, as to love is a verb. Warren was one of my earliest followers and has encouraged me greatly as a blogger and as a person. What I love about Mr. Warren Richard’s Blog is that at my lowest when going through very tough times, his post on love filled the empty hurting spots in my heart. Most importunately, his post reminded me of agape love, unconditional love that knows no boundaries. Forgiving Love.

Recently on Jan. 12, 2022, Mr. Warren Richards published The Weight – A Love Story. I loved this quote below in his post in red font. The words gave me peace, in knowing my weight is lifted when I remain faithful in my walk.

The greatest weight lifted when you’re faithful. To be your strongest, in the moments… your heart needs to shine. Breadth is held, when the height of what you believe, becomes the greater perspective.

Warren Richards – A Love Story

My Friends written by Mr. Warren Richards is my most recent favorite due to the fact it touched my heart profoundly. What an incredible blessing to have a friend who will intercede on our behalf before Jesus! My heart was deeply touched. Prayers are priceless, and I am grateful that I and others were put on your heart as I feel that is discernment from the Holy Spirit! I very much appreciate and treasure the prayers of God’s Loving Saints!

Your heart came up… he knows your heart…your heart he wants to be whole…. you’re deeply loved…Love, takes you by the heart!

Warren Richards – A Love Story – My Friends

Mr. Warren Richards, today, my writing continues because of your prayers and encouragement. I recognize you in front of all our fellow bloggers and writers, as I look at a larger picture. God uses your blog to minister to the lost and hurting, through the writing of your love words which I feel are inspired by God, and agape love!

 Blessings my friend!

Warren. The goal of this award is to help give recognition and to help encourage new bloggers. The Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award recognizes bloggers who share their stories or thoughts in a Bee-utiful manner to connect with viewers and followers. To “accept” the award, the nominated blogger should nominate a fellow blogger, who has been a cornerstone in their journey and tag the nominee: 

Warren, I congratulate you on a Bee-utiful Blog that has touched and transformed lives. Thank you for all the wonderful stories and posts that have shown God’s heart in you!

Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award- Something to Stu Over

Wow, there are many BEE-UTIFUL blogs on WordPress. All of my readers are great writers, who have a unique capacity to have touched many lives on our journey. Fellow writers subscribed to my new blog and then actually recommend it to others. Inspiring doesn’t cut how that made me feel. There are no words for that emotion I felt. Recommendations allowed the “Beetreegathering” Blog to grow steadily over time.

One Courageous writer at Something to Stu Over was created by my friend STU. Today, I nominate Stu, of Something to Stu Over for the “ Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award” as Stu is greatly gifted in encouragement, in writing about addictions of every kind, Stu was one of my earliest followers and has encouraged me greatly. What I love about Stu’s Blog is its versatility and diversity in speaking on taboo subjects not openly discussed as Christians. Unknown to Stu, he helped me face trauma, which lead to healing in my personal life. Like fellow blogger Renee, I feel Stu is the real deal and has a heart as big as Texas, not passing judgment on others. Stu sincerely tries to lead those in the chains of addiction to the freedom of Christ. The second thing that grabbed my attention was his loyalty and unconditional love to “Angie” and his family. Stu, there was a time I was bombarded by the enemy to stop writing, convincing me I was worthless, and I had decided after posting “How the Littlest Angel Turned Sobbing into Joy I would quit writing. However that day, you paid me the following compliments:

“If I didn’t know better I would believe that Frank Peretti gave you the rights to his books so you could write another book in the vein of “Piercing The Darkness.” This was outfreakingstanding! And a story I deeply needed. Thank you, sis!!”

Then you Reblogged my angel story over at “Something to Stu Over” and commented:

Ok, dear blogging family and friends…this post I hinted at in my Sunday Music post. And well…I just do not have the patience needed to wait to share my December post picks. Though I will still stick it in there This post deserves more than my humble words can say to express what I felt when reading it. But to those who feel prayer is not powerful and has no purpose, let me just say you are incorrect. Your spoken word in pray so, have them wrap their wings around them for protection during this time. May the enemy be thwarted and your child protected. And then off they go charging into battle against the evil surrounding your loved one. With each word, they become stronger! With each additional friend praying their words to compound onto yours giving the angel for strength to fight until all is vanquished and they surround your friend with their wings and comfort them.
Please go read this. Share this with your friends. And then pray for your loved ones like their lives depend on it…because sometimes it does!”

Stu, today, my writing continues because of your encouragement. I recognize you in front of all our fellow bloggers and writers, as I look at a larger picture. God took a Courageous man and gave him a ministry to talk about issues that are silent in the Christian world. Your ministry has helped countless get on the path to freedom from their addictions. I thank God there are men like you in the Christian World that can help those under assault and attack from the enemy, what your doing is desperately needed and I pray you always continue in your calling. I believe God works through you in delivering those trapped in a dark pit. Your ministry reminds me of a powerful word I received many years ago:

I sincerely believe every person needs a person called“STU” in their life! Blessings my friend!

STU. The goal of this award is to help give recognition and also to help encourage new bloggers. The Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award recognizes bloggers who share their stories or thoughts in a Bee-utiful manner to connect with viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award, the nominated blogger should nominate a fellow blogger, who has been a cornerstone in their journey: STU, I congratulate you on a Bee-utiful Blog that has touched and transformed lives. Thank you for all the wonderful stories and posts that have led many to freedom!

Beetreegathering Bee-utiful Award- Heart Tokens



Wow, there are many BEE-UTIFUL blogs on WordPress. All of my readers are great writers, who have a unique capacity to have touched many lives on our journey. Fellow writers subscribed to my original blog and then actually recommend it to others. Inspiring doesn’t cut how that made me feel. There are no words for that emotion I felt. Recommendations allowed the “Beetreegathering” Blog to grow steadily over time.

One heartfelt blog Heart Tokens was created by my friend Renee, without a doubt probably my biggest fan. We go back over fifteen years, becoming fast friends on a Christian site that is similar to Facebook.

Tonight, I nominate Renee, of for the “First Bee-utiful Award.” as she is gifted in encouragement, capable of lifting one’s spirit up out of the pit of trials. What drew me to her as a friend, is that she never passed judgment on me. No matter how I talked, acted, or vented, Renee stayed a faithful friend. Beyond Priceless is a person of this caliber in today’s world. She stayed closer than a sister to me these last several years. Renee not only has encouraged me as a blogger and writer, but our ongoing friendship carried me with prayers through the most difficult trials as a Christian.” There are times I wanted to walk away, yet divinely, you always seemed to call me at those hard moments, putting me back on track.

Renee, today, I recognize you in front of all our fellow bloggers and writers, as I look at a larger picture. The treasure that most people don’t know is that Renee and I have never actually met in person. That is the miracle that God gave us these last fifteen years, as women who were in need of a friend, who would not only pray for each other but get down in the mud together. I sincerely believe every person needs a “Renee” in their life!

Renee. The goal of this award is to help give recognition and also to help encourage new bloggers. The Beetreegathering Award recognizes bloggers who share their stories or thoughts in a Bee-utiful manner to connect with viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award, the nominated blogger should nominate a fellow blogger, who has been a cornerstone in their journey: I have many more bloggers I wish to nominate, however, tonight, Renee, I congratulate you on a Bee-utiful Blog that has touched and transformed lives. Thank you for all the wonderful stories and posts!

Photo by alleksana on

🖋️Blogging Anniversary🖋️

Wow! Meeting Goals! Three years ago, Beetree- Gathering bloomed into life, specifically my lifeline.

Blogging became an outlet used to express personal passions in life. Creativity flows through my veins for writing, painting, reading, photography and cooking.

To the best of my ability, I transferred pains of life to Beetree-Gathering writing in a style that I hoped could bless and benefit others in their trials.

During the creation of my blog, I suddenly lost my dad to a massive heart attack, while I was still grieving the loss of my younger adult brother and my best friend of fifteen years.

I witnessed the miracle of my mom coming back from brink of death, then living life fully, despite dementia.

One day I experienced angels visiting in my mom’s yard during a very low point being greatly encouraged.

The enemy had destroyed many relationships, I was hurt and grieving, slowly I began to experience reconciliation of important relationships that I thought were ruined. That’s God!

My health continues to blossom, I have experienced the healing of God. I feel Jesus walks my health journey with me. I don’t walk alone, Jesus has wiped my tears, been my  encourager, healer, inspiration and voice convincing me to do more.

I learned how to be alone, without fear, breathing in the stillness of absolute quiet. I learned to love my quiet times as it gives me wonderful opportunities of reflection.

I learned I am not responsible for others behaviors, only mine. Change took place when I worked on me. I am not without fault, and I asked for forgiveness just as quickly as I gave forgiveness. Forgiveness is often misunderstood, as letting a person off the hook. However, for me when I gave forgiveness, most time without apologies, letting go of the trauma, betrayal, hurt or pain, actually allowed me to start healing.

Blogging changed me in many ways. I have around 250 followers, for which I’m deeply and profoundly grateful. Your stories came at divine times just when my soul needed the words to soothe me, or challenge me, or help me question my direction. I received blogger awards in disbelief, utterly surprised I had readers, followers , strangers who became friends.

Thank you to all who follow my blog, for sharing your stories and being friends to me. May God bless your blogs, increase your readership, give you all opportunities to bless your life and the lives of others. I wouldn’t be here if not for you all believing in me!

Love Always, 🍯Beetree-Gathering🐝

Thirteenth Disciple TAG

My fellow blogger stu has tagged me in this new and wonderful tag by Charity! This is cool and I love the questions she has come up with!

Thank you Charity and Stu for thinking of me!

Here are the rules:

  1. Thank the person who tagged you and include a link to their post
  2. Link the original post (The Thirteenth Disciple Tag) and give credit to the creator of this tag (Purple Rose)
  3. Answer the 13 questions asked by Purple Rose
  4. Tag as many people as you like
  5. Use the original tag image as the FEATURED image on your post:

Here are Charity’s cool questions:

1. Which disciple is your favorite?

Matthew is my personal favorite even though he was a tax collector, considered himself unworthy, yet Jesus saw him as worthy!

2. How often do you pray The Lord’s Prayer?

I say it every time it comes to mind, if I have had a nightmare or feel threatened in some way!

3. How often do you take communion?

The Holy Communion is God’s ordained channel of healing and wholeness. My church practices it once a year! However, I am overdo to take communion as I have not been to church since after my dads death during Easter last year when I began caring for my mom! 

4. Do you listen to sermons during the week? Yes, Absolutely , with lack of transportation and the pandemic,  these are my favorites:



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5. If Jesus asked you to have your own small group of 4, which 3 disciples or Bible Characters would you choose to be in your weekly prayer group?


6. Why did you choose those 3? Lot teaches you Faith and Worship to always give thanks no matter your circumstances. Rahab didn’t take no for an answer and her persistence saved her whole family from slaughter and gave them a new beginning, with Rahab becoming a blood lineage to Jesus. Peter holds keys to heaven, even after denying Jesus. I have doubted Christ and I have written about my experiences as John has. Debra is a prophetess who is the only female judge mentioned in the bible who had great wisdom!

7. What Bible characters do you relate to or understand the most?

Rahab, Debra, Woman at the Well.

8. Which disciple would you be with the most?

Peter, no doubt

9. Which disciple would you get along with the best?

John as he was the peacemaker

10. If you were in the painting of the Last Supper, where would you be sitting?

Anywhere at the table that I was told to sit and would be incredulous feeling that I was there, as a woman.

11. Peter carried a sword and cut off a soldier’s ear in an attempt to protect Jesus. If you were there that night, what would your reaction have been to the soldiers coming to arrest Jesus?

My first instinct would be to protect, and follow what Jesus said.

12. We all need a Simon Peter in our life, someone who carries a “sword” and will fight for you. Who is/was your Simon Peter?

I don’t have a Simon Peter in my life. However , I do have a prayer warrior named renee. God always gives us what we need.

13. Similar to Jesus, we all have a Judas in our lives who helps us fulfill our destiny or find our purpose. Can you look back and appreciate their role in your life despite the harm they did or the hurt they caused?

I never understood how Judas helps fulfill your destiny, even though I had received many “Judas Kisses” from enemies.  Yet, when it happened with a church friend who sought to destroy my reputation  and openly admitted she only befriended me to learn my weaknesses, quoted something about “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” my response had to be different! I prayed and I got silent! I talked to no one about this problem. I prayed for her and I treated her with the upmost kindness after her betrayals! It was very hard. Yet , but for God! Maybe the enemy and you can reconcile? Regardless we are to love our enemies! I personally just hate the behaviors that caused the pain.

“Love for our enemies means, fundamentally, that we hate our enemies for wholeheartedly joining in the evil that will ultimately cause their damnation (John 5:29). That is the kind of hate — the kind of love — that might look on them and say, in the spirit of our Savior, Father, forgive them for being so oblivious to what they’re doing. Open their eyes.” Jonathan Parnell  Pastor

*Charity and Stu, these were some awesome yet tough questions. I truly had to think long and hard on how to answer each that’s why it has taken almost three weeks for me to finish. I did not want haphazardly answer these. Answering these questions honestly truly makes one look deep within themselves.*

I am tagging 5!

Good bye Anger, Bitterness and Rage!

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (Ephesians 4:31-32).








Psalm 121 asks the question, “where does my help come from?”  There is chaos all around on earth! America is being shaken! Money won’t fix all your problems. Moving wont stop Covid-19, protestors, or calamity! New ideas or a political party, or who will be the next president won’t help you at the deepest levels of your life. To wear or not to wear a mask  is mute. You simply need God! LOOK UP!

Because these other false gods can’t bring peace to the soul, heal you or deliver this country! You must look above the mess and focus on Jesus!

Read his word, get into a devotion plan, fasten your eyes, heart and soul on Jesus!

Pray, say his name! Jesus! Lord help us!

Where is Jesus? Jesus is right here with us in our midst, waiting to hear you call his name! Call him! You are loved far more than you know by a God who formed you in your mothers womb and knew you before you ever arrived on this planet! You are his creation! LOVED BY A  MIGHTY GOD!

The psalmist in the bible then says — 

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Only God !!!


Psalm 121

A song of ascents.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.



1. Father i thank you for you are my ever present helper in time of need in Jesus name
2. Father, i thank you for You never sleep nor slumber over issues of my life
3. Father, because you are my shield, i shall not be afraid of the enemy in Jesus name
4. I declare that i am heavily protected by the hand of God in Jesus name
5. I declare today that i am protected from every evil attacks of the day in Jesus name
6. I declare that i am protected from every evil attack of the Night in Jesus name
7. Father, i declare that my soul is preserved in you, therefore my enemies cannot afflict me in Jesus name.
8. I release the angels of the Lord to connect me to my destiny helpers in Jesus name
9. I shall never be stranded in life in Jesus name
10. I shall never lack help in life in Jesus name
11. Every evil power, working against my prosperity, you are cancelled. voided, in the name of Jesus.
12. Every  evil power, that wants to deny me of my destiny, cancelled and voided, in the name of Jesus.
13. It is written concerning me, that I will divide the spoil of  my enemies with the land with the great and mighty and it shall be so, in the name of Jesus.
14. Holy Spirit, You are my chief destiny helper, connect me to my other destiny helpers, in the name of Jesus.
16. Every evil  power, that wouldn’t allow me to reach my potential,cancelled and voided, in the name of Jesus.
17). Oh Lord, as you sent angel Michael to help Daniel in time of need, send your angels to send me help in Jesus name.
18). Oh Lord, I have peace of mind, because you are my helper in Jesus name.  19). Father I declare that man will not boast as the source of help in my life, you are my only helper in Jesus name.
20). Oh Lord, help me to live a godly life as I serve you.
Thank you Jesus.









SOS – You are not Alone! God is with you and for you! Say his name -Jesus-and he will come running to you!

Praying for our beautiful country and all our beautiful human souls! God hears all our cries, I love the song below because the song is stating God see you, you arenot forgotten, never hopeless….Take a moment and listen God hears you!!🙏🏻❤️

You are not hidden
There’s never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It’s true, I will rescue you
There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You’re not defenseless
I’ll be your shelter
I’ll be your armor
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It’s true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It’s true, I will rescue you
I hear…
Source: LyricFind

Helping Hand – Do Something

Reach Down with the right hand of “Love” and pull your brethren, brother or sister out of the pit, for you are to Love them as I have Loved you!❤️🙏🏻



Outstanding Blogger Award

The Outstanding Blogger Award 2020

My fellow blogger and  friend  STU has nominated me for The Outstanding Blogger Award😊

Thank you so much ! I am deeply honored and touched. 😉

Here are the rules/guidelines:

1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post. (very important: see why in step 5)

2. Answer the questions provided.

3. Create 7 unique questions.

4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.

5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

This award was created by Colton Beckwith.

Here are STU questions:

1. What is your favorite clothing to wear that unfortunately does not look good on you? (Color wise, etc) Scarf

2. Why do you blog?  Why Write A Blog?

3. Mask or no mask? Don’t worry about what others think or say, please give your honest opinion and why… Mask to protect the elderly

4. What is your favorite book of all time?



5. What childhood memory bring an immediate smile to your face? My fourth birthday

6. Do you see God’s Handiwork everywhere? In people, nature and objects… most, yes

7. Which band, not singer, has influenced you the most. No bands


Here are my questions for my friends I am giving this award to:

  1. What is your favorite meal?
  2. What act of kindness brings you joy?
  3. Why do you blog?
  4. Currently, my favorite singer is Lauren Diagle- You Say, who is your favorite singer and why>
  5. With everything going on in America, do you watch news or shut it off?
  6. Have you ever dreamed of driving around the US in an RV? If , yes, where is your first stop?
  7. I not only blog, I cook too. Would you like to try my recipes? My Yummy Recipies


Here are the friends I am giving this award to:


Big Sky Buckeye






To my friends: please do not feel obligated to participate. Just my little way of saying thank you and that I am thinking of you! Have a great weekend 😊

*A few of you may opt out of answering questions that could be a trigger*


The Stone Rolled Away

Just as the stone rolled away for Jesus, God will also open the door for you!

🙏🏻❤️ Never Give Up!



I took a recent break from internet and most forms of communications this last week, specifically the news because I cannot handle the negative reports or watch what  our country is falling prey too. This is not a war of politics, of the races, he said, she said, the enemy is destroying our nation through words, words of offense, words that when spoken hurt to your very soul, brother wounding brother, tearing apart friendships, devouring family relationships, splitting families apart, destroying marriages, taking your eyes off the real problem, which is simply your word, and how you will speak.Did you not know your words have the power of life and death?

I have read stories written with words about injustice, justice, lack of justice and no justice. I have seen two races throw and sling mud back and forth, stirring up the pot of civil unrest. I have seen ignorance run amok, spilling out over this nation, as a slow poisonous gas, that is slowly leaking, toxic fumes, engulfing races, and igniting flames of hatred, discord, animosity, disrespect intertwining webs of deceit, revenge  and  murder. These stories have made me mad to the point I am shaking in my shoes. The worst part is the men, women and children who lost their lives. I pray for their families, my heart breaks.

When will this nation learn that words are a very powerful and formidable weapon, which causes life or death? Words are power, to be used, to teach, edify, inspire, buoy up, cheer, comfort, console, embolden, hearten, reassure,  please encourage a person to use their words for good, to be a building block of prosperity. When we allow words to deface, demoralize, devalue, to cause distrust, to breed hatred, to bring contempt, to pit brother against brother, and I am talking in the biblical sense, we as a nation are allowing words to destroy our children, our marriages, our families, all of our relationships,  our very nation. Please stop words of destruction!

Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”Dec 15, 2014 Please read the article in its entirety below.

A very wise man once told me, if you do not want something known, do not speak it, or write it, for you surely will be exposed. This man told me to always be careful with my words. I took this to heart, I am very careful with my words, I want my words to edify, to teach, to encourage and be uplifting. I want my words to be spoken in truth, if I have a discord with someone, I will try my best to find a way to state my case, hopefully fix it and move on. I do not use, it as an opportunity to ambush, spread lies, breed contempt, or start a war. Hatred breed’s hatred and that is what the enemy wants. The enemy wants us to hate one another!

God’s words in the bible are powerful, when spoken,  those words come alive, for the word of God are “Life.”  God ‘s word does not change, for it is the same today, as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.


Words have power to build, encourage, edify, and build greatness into a person, but words also have the ability to kill, steal and destroy a person. That old saying about sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you, is a lie, straight from hell.


What does the Bible say about the power of words?
Proverbs 15: 1 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but hard words stir up anger.” Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” … Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”Apr 6, 2015
What did Jesus say about words?
Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”Apr 6, 201

You see, you have a choice; it has to start with you. You can use words for the good of this nation and mankind or you can continue to use words to destroy.

How will you stand with the powerful words that flow from your mouth, will you speak empathy, words of compassion, words of character and integrity,  words that lead to conversations, words that lead to reconciliation or will words flow from your mouth that show hate, cruelty, threats, will your words cause violence, will your words destroy families, for hate begets hate, until finally our people lay dead, children, mothers, fathers sisters, brothers and families, will your words cause their death, words can be an evil that destroys from within? Or words can be the very living water your soul needs to change!

I pray you use your powerful words for Good of all of Humanity! The choice is simply yours!

S P E A K  L I F E


Warning – Graphic Content- This is my story. The current headlines are scary and frighten me to such a point , I have to shut it all down. I feel helpless. Its all out of my control. Ninety-nine percent of what I view, I don’t believe, as it rallies against common sense and logical thinking. The newscasters seem to be exaggerating story lines.  I tried following podcasts from all groups to learn more about current events.

I searched myself. my thoughts, feelings and prayed. After praying I feel led to share my own personnel  story now, forty years later. I can only share my story and hope it helps one person. It is time. We all are given a choice.

For those who don’t know, I am almost six feet tall, very pale, red-haired, southern woman with freckles. I have experienced prejudice reactions from other groups that resulted in bullying early on in school, based on the color of my skin, gender, weight, hair color, accent, freckles, height, breasts, hips, thighs, sound of my voice, smell of my hair.  These bullying attacks came from all sides. School became a nightmare for me.

The nightmare exploded in high school, I rode a bus to and from school every day over an hour each way,  on a particular day, a group of five students who had harassed me all year with fear tactics through verbal threats,  chanting, name calling, mocking, facial expressions and  blocking passage to exist the bus, decided to take their fun one step further. 

It was the second last week of school for the year and summer vacation was ahead! There were only eight on the bus as we headed down the highway with our bus-driver (who was a student) and seven seated students. My sister and I were sitting midway on bus reading, when the other five students snuck up behind us and pulled my sister and I  up out of our seats from behind! We were roughly held against our will by two girls  and the boys began to rub all over our blouses feeling our breasts and despite our screams the bus driver ignored what was taking place. He kept driving, laughing and looking up in the mirror. When one of the boys tried to reach between my legs, I broke loose, reached over the seat, grabbing my big history book and fought back by whacking him up side the head into the window. I had no choice but to fight, as we were being assaulted. The bus driver still  did nothing to help. Everything was a blur, thereafter as I fought to survive and help my sister. Time seemed to disappear, when would it end? Suddenly the bus came to a hard stop, all of us flung apart, we were ordered to get off, by the bus driver! My mother hearing the bus driver, looked up from her lawn seat in the yard and as I stumbled across the front of the bus, I saw “Rage” fly into my mother when she saw her children, both of us beat to a pulp. My mom flew past us onto that bus and was , surprise,  blocked  and manhandled by our bus driver, so my mother couldn’t get to the five who had beat us, I heard her through her screams, but couldn’t make out what she said as my ears were ringing, the last thing I witnessed was my mom slapping the bus driver(over 18) in the face and him pushing my mom backward off the bus. The bus drove off, and my mother stood up on the other side of the road, she went running after the bus or so I thought and  then I realized she was using neighbors phone to call for help!

My mom came back and took us in, she asked all the hard questions no mother should ever have to ask their children. I vaguely remember a local doc coming to our home, saying my right jaw was fractured but would heal in time, right side of face swollen beyond recognition, barely able to see out my eye, bruises everywhere would also take time . My sister was in shock with many bruises.  Why would our fellow students do this to us, why became our biggest question! Mom got us in shower and helped us to bed.It took several weeks for myself and my sister to heal, sadly the hidden scars stayed with me developing into anxiety. The “Why” remained unanswered.

That day I could have chosen to hate two races of men or hate men in general……or have it out for every girl who looked like the ones that helped the boys attack us. These six individuals do not define an entire races or cultures. Their criminal actions define a very bad event that took place, that was a crime against me and my sister.  I chose not to hate, but to see them at their heart level. They are each responsible for their own actions, as well as the bus driver for his lack of action. One male attacker came forward and sincerely apologized to me and my sister. During the last week of school , he was attacked in the school lunch room and beat up side the head with a lead pipe by the others (his own friends) who had assaulted us. There was never any resolution. No charges.

I learned as an adult I was sexually assaulted having never heard that word in my childhood which traumatized and affected me for years.

I  am confident the event caused my anxiety that I live with everyday, as I have a deep fear of being trapped , not able to escape. It also caused me to have to be in control of myself and my surroundings. 

Now forty years later, I see hate running  everywhere, assumptions being made, great division and many distractions.

This is the age of disillusionment and distraction! In order to find truth you will need to disconnect , find a quiet spot, turn everything off, reflect and search your own heart! Ask yourself , why you believe what you do, are the beliefs accurate or wrong?My heart says the killings have to stop! Innocent lives; babies , children and our love ones are dying! I’m crying for humanity, I’ve never seen so much pain!


Division is a tactic of old, it is the enemy  trying to destroy us all ! I could have chosen to hate, discriminate or seek revenge! Instead I chose to forgive, for without forgiveness there is no reconciliation or unity.

Love covers a multitude of sin. I chose “Love”, for God first loved us! God commands us to love him with our all! Gods second greatest commandment is for us to Love one another! Sadly,there is not much of that second love going around.

“Jesus gave him a clear answer: the greatest among many things that man could do is to love. To love God wholly and totally (with one’s heart soul, and mind) and to love one’s neighbor are the greatest commandments of all. … Because God is love and that is why we are able to ❤️”

What is your choice? LOVE or HATE?

I think this song says it all, heal us, start with me!


God’s Beauty

I’m focusing on the beauty God has placed around me! Fresh flowers out of the yard. White flowers remind me of God’s forgiveness and the Red flowers remind me of the power of the blood of Jesus! His grace is a gift! Love Sister Debra




Hello! Such a joy to receive an award last week from two fellow bloggers.

The “Kennedy Award of Excellence” was  humbling and I am deeply honored!

Thanks for thinking of me!

Renee and Stu  your blogs, bless many people, including myself. I pray your ministries and blogs touch many lives to come.  Thanks again!

Please give my friends a visit! STU and Rene/ Heart Tokens  

The creator of this award, Parneet SSachdev, states, “this is a registered award of excellence for blogs that through it’s writing, presentation and objectives, fosters human values; promoting intellectual, emotional and moral growth of peers.”


Here are the guidelines:

  • The recipient may thank the person who has nominated her.
  • The recipient should post a photo of the award on her blog in a post.
  • The recipient may nominate as many blogs for this award (minimum five).
  • Following questions to be answered (You can change the questions as per your wish)

Here are the questions:

1. During these difficult times, what are you doing to draw near to GOD?

Times are difficult, I like everyone am going through tough things! It has been very hard to draw near to God, prayers become whispers, or inaudible sounds or screams let loose in my pillow. I hang on to Gods promises, I trust him!  Everyone says where is God, ? Well honey he is right here with us or we wouldn’t be making it through 2020!


2. How have you extended GOD’S mercy to someone recently?

Yes, I extended Mercy, recently, in an on going situation, I chose to forgive a persons many betrayl’s!  None are perfect- and that includes me. We all have faults and need to show the same kind of mercy that God has shown us. Choosing to let go was very hard, saying it and doing it were two different things! Finally, I am getting much needed peace.

3. What does your heart beat for right now during this uncertain time?

My heart beats for AGAPE LOVE UNIVERSALLY!  For Humanity to gasp we are the human race to become color blind, red, yellow black or white we all are precious in his sight! God loves mankind!

4. How have you been blessed by your own followers?

There have been days I needed a word of encouragement and there was just the right post, with exactly what I needed to hear or a sweet comment that made me cry! People have really blown me away with their love and prayers here! 😊

5. Out of the many many comments you have received from your followers, is there one in particular that you have cherished?

Yes, once I was compared to my favorite author. I cherish all of them as this stands out , because it gave me the confidence to write more!

I really don’t like choosing just a few, but I will, because of the rules…. every one of you I think are awesome! I hope you know that! I am enjoying the bloggers below, they are my new reads, and I love thier stories!





My questions?!? Same as Above, I really liked them.

The Rock Can Bare the Weight!

hands people woman girl
Photo by Public Domain Pictures on

God was listening and heard Desiree prayer, and God dispatched for one of his best angels and commanded “Because Desiree loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue her; I will protect her, for she acknowledges my name, she called me and I will send help; I will be with her in trouble, I will deliver her and honor her. “Sadly, Desiree didnot know God had sent help, she was hanging on by a thread of faith, she prayed and it remained silent. 

angel art black and white clouds

The only thing Desiree could do to fight the depression was to physically work in the yard. Thus far it had taken a week to relocate her moms favorite bird bath and the rock border that surrounded the bird bath. Desiree knew  moving it would be no easy feat, yet necessary as it was sinking slowly into the mud due to the heavy rains. Desiree’s depression was like the bird bath, she was sinking, and felt unutterably stuck. Desiree remembered  a scripture and spoke it out loud, declaring “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.” The scripture when spoken out loud flowed with life like rivers of living water, crystal clear, breathing and moving through the atmosphere. The angel clapped in glee and saw a glorious beautiful day,  the deepest of blue skies, warm sun shining with a soft breeze that carefully lifted Desiree hair off her face cooling her down from the heat!

The angel circled around her protectively watching over her, lest she dash her foot on a stone. If only her surroundings could magically lift the heavy weight of sadness she carried, like a two ton chain, wrapped around her shoulders from life’s hardships. The angel had been ministering to Desiree nonstop, depression had been sent as an attack of the fallen one. God had commanded the angel to protect Desiree in all her ways. God had sent the angel to deliver Desiree from the depression and intended what had been meant for harm to turn it to good as it was a part of his plan to prosper her and give her hope. The thread of Faith Desiree held onto had been knotted on the end by the Angel.

statue angel cemetery
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on

Desiree  began the task of relocating her mom’s bird bath, by first pulling up the boulder rocks that were partially buried weighing from 5 to 20 pounds each!  Each rock felt cemented down, heavy and sucked down into the mud, where the rocks had been located for  over ten years around the base of the birdbath. Each rock she pulled up took strength, muster and determination. Desiree spoke over the stumbling rocks as she pulled each one out saying , anger be gone, sadness be gone, depression be gone, betrayal be gone, rejection be gone, lies be gone, spiritual attacks be gone, poverty be gone, heartache be gone working the rocks out of the miry clay dirt , then  several days later with many broken ragged fingernails,  Desiree pulled up the last rock and said attacks of the mind be gone.  Desiree felt an instant peace.  The angel circled rejoicing as Desiree spoke life into her circumstances. Desiree then began praying on the full armor of God, and she grew stronger. The hard work actually felt good! Then Desiree discovered the root of her problems as she pulled up the last rock, underneath laid a massive root which she pulled and it would not give. The root was strong and had been planted many years ago when she was but a small wee child. The root was harsh words spoken to her by the enemy, through her earth father, meant to destroy her, yet but for God!

Desiree understood now, her father wasn’t her enemy, the root of all evil (satan) was her enemy.  Desiree got her gardening tools and she began attacking that root with all her strenght and called on God asking for help saying she was weak and laid it at his feet, letting go and drawing in strenght sent by the Holy Spirit, digging up the root, the root was her enemy, Desiree dug and cut at the root for over eight hours, with root spanning twenty feet from the bird bath, and finally she came to the end of the root and ripped it out proclaiming in Jesus name ?I am delivered and healed.” The angels heard her declaration and an angel hit a cymbal declaring a “I Got The Victory” heard all throughout heaven!

Desiree studied the bird bath which was leaning like the “Tower of  Pisa” in Italy, half the pedestal was buried in the mud and the tulip basin was only a foot from the ground. Desiree decided to flip over the top water basin let all the dirty water,sludge and mud fall to the ground completely being emptied out, knowing the water basin  would bear the weight of the fall.  Desiree carefully lifted the tulip basin and flipped it over which allowed all the water and mud to run out, then she softly let it hit the ground. Suddenly time stood still and Desiree watched in amazement as all the filth came out of the water basin and without warning all earthly noise stopped and she heard her master and saviors voice speak to her causing her to fall to her knees, Saying ” Desiree, I allowed satan to shift you, but I prayed for you that your faith will not fail you, when you have turned back strengthen others!” Desiree weeped, in joy, her heavenly fathers voice,  precious in every way , had finally arrived. God kept his promise and didn’t forsake her, God prayed for her, he had heard her prayers. At that moment Desiree rested in the shadow of the almighty as his wings wrapped around her and gave her his rest!

woman wearing wings
Photo by Keenan Constance on


 Spiritually Desiree blossomed into a warrior as she strategically  studied how to rebuild the  bird bath!  Desiree spoke out loud declaring “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Desiree was filled with Holy Spirit and upon her declaration her words flowed like rivers of living water circling around her spiritually, physically , mentally and emotionally in the earthly realm and the heavenly realm. Desiree dug out the pedestal base of the bird bath, rolled it on its side to sit by the tulip basin. Then she began moving rocks to the new spot for the bird bath, hoping the harder surface would prevent it sinking, placing the bird bath pedestal where it wouldn’t sink in mud.

Lord behold when Desiree turned around to pick up the tulip part the water bath basin she discovered it weighed over 150 lbs.  Desiree could not lift it alone. Desiree liked completing her projects once  started but had to come to a halt take a break.

Three days Desiree studied the tulip basin , just as she was rebuilding the bird bath, spiritually she was rebuilding her relationship and walk with God! As night fell on the third evening Desiree studied the bird bath from the front screen door, whispering to God, help me, and suddenly she witnessed a digital line run on ground, go up the pedestal, and lean it on the biggest rock, then watched as the water basin was rolled in front, Desiree jumped for joy and ran out the door, excited beyond measure!

Desiree didn’t need her strength to lift the heavy water basin, she just needed faith! Desiree rolled the pedestal in front of the biggest rock, leaning it on the rock, then she rolled, the water basin in front , then slowly pushed upward connecting both pieces with hardly any effort. The bird bath was upright and the two pieces clicked into one. Then Desiree sat the Angel statue into the water basin standing tall and glorious, not realizing the guardian angel God had sent her was watching! Desiree glorified God giving him all the Glory, she was amazed that while rolling the pedestal she realized something incredible!

Psalm 61:1-3  Hear my cry, O God, attend to my prayer.

2 From the end of the earth I will cry to You; when my heart faints, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3 For You have been a refuge for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.

Desiree could not lift that heavy tulip basin for the bird bath it weighed so much but when she leaned it against “The Rock ” The Rock is Jesus Christ the Rock of salvation. What Desiree couldn’t do it in her own strength, but when leaned it over to the Rock what happened?The Rock lifted up so what she couldn’t do in her own strength, Jesus can do in his strength, for he is the Rock! That’s two stories in one and it had Desiree jumping! Jesus would restore Desiree! 


God was spiritually showing her to lean on the “Rock.” Jesus is the Rock!  The rolling of the tulip water basin was a reminder that after three days Jesus rose and and only Jesus could move the stone, and an angel was left to meet the women who came to attend to the Lord. Jesus is the resurrection and life!

Desiree, wrote her story and shared it on a blog and millions read the story of her faith, trusting God. Seeds of Hope were planted, and it was like a mighty river flowed from the  bird bath spiritually  splitting into many rivers going all over the earth. The message was clear!

Trust God, Lean on God, Jesus is the Rock, God will not forsake us, What man cannot do , God is able, God hears our prayers, God Listens, God Speaks, and God Guides us!

The angel often meets Desiree at the Bird Bath, with the angel statue,  gazing as she quietly prays, listening and waiting on the Lord! Jesus is the Rock and daily Desiree casts her burdens upon the Lord, trusting God to work out all her problems. Desiree’s angel captures her prayers and swiftly carries them to heaven!


What satan had meant for bad, God turned around and used it for good! The Rock Can Bare the Weight!


I Had To Just Put My Feet On The Floor!

Today, I have to push myself to get out of bed. I was plagued with three different nightmares trying to sleep between 4:30 am and  9am when I awoke the first time, then 10am. Finally at noon I sat up,  swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, all I had to do was put my feet on floor. It was areal struggle. Mom was up till 4:30 am, she was finally sleeping, after her sun downing had kept us awake. Then all the stuff with the quarantine is getting to me.  Are you feeling discourage like me? Together as a Nation we are now in 40 days of Quarantine! Yet as an individual,  I’m feeling more like at 240 days quarantine , only leaving my house three times since September. My quarantine began when my vehicle was vandalized, determined a total loss. Geico didn’t cover. Second because in Jan. I was sick with Pneumonia, took till April to recover, I’m  blessed to be alive and then Covid 19 happens, and the goverment mandates we all stay home.

The difference between 40 days and 240 days is the isolation. I’m tired of streaming shows, I’m running out of things to keep me and mom busy, my heart and soul ache for my love ones who I miss dearly,  I will not be with my daughter on her birthday. I miss all the excitement and personalities of my grandchildren. I crave hugs, laughter and a good family gathering. I have also been caregiving my mom, she is my best friend and I am glad we have each other in this season, she is grieving loss of her soulmate/ best friend of 57 years. I can’t imagine her pain, it is fast approaching the anniversary of my Dad’s passing. I miss gathering at my church, worshiping God.

I’m not having a pity party, I like you am living through a part of history that is frightening. Things get to you, the news is to scary to watch, your crying for all those who got sick, praying it passes by your family.  Praying God have mercy on us all, I’m pleading blood of Jesus, not just for me , myself and my family , I’m crying out for the world. Our prayers need to be bold, courageous, crying out to God as we walk through this season in faith.

Today , I’m having hard time getting out of bed, it’s not my strength that propels me to sit up, for I am weak, tired, yet God says when I am weak his strength sustains me, the Holy Spirit encourages me, and as my feet hit the floor, and I go to my knees, the Lion of Judah gives me the power to roar out prayers, we all need to be roaring our prayers! God is always listening for his children’s cry’s.

Today let your feet hit the floor and roar ……God is listening and God will fight for us! Cry out, repent, get on your knees. Today the best thing I did was put my feet on the floor, God did the rest, Glory Hallelujah!


Almost a Dog Story!

Today, I started out with good intentions. The chore list was outlined first, clean up the utility room, clean cat boxes, take out trash, second vacuum and sweep, third touch up kitchen. Only problem was nothing went according to my plan. Our overweight black lab, got territorial and when I stood in utility room, I found he left a wonderful present, he pooped in our cat boxes and then peed up and down the outside of the cat boxes mixing his pee in cat litter he had dumped out on the floor. An hour later after I cleaned up his mess, I proceed to mom’s bedroom, to find to my horror all my mom’s nice comforters are on the floor, dirty, with hairballs, cat throw up, covered in black lab hair with the big black lab rolling all over the comforters. I shew the dog away, pick up the comforters and head to laundry room, to throw in wash. I come back to mom bedroom and step in wet dog saliva slipping trying to stay upright.

selective focus photography of adult black labrador retriever
Photo by Matthis Volquardsen on

While I’m  getting that cleaned up, my mom thinks the cats are underfeed and opened five cans of cat food dished out on ten saucers, placed all over house. Mom then opens back door letting all pets outside, only problem is the cats are not suppose to go out, they are house cats. Thirty minutes in back yard, on a search mission, catching cats.

Usually, when I’m trying to do chores, mom gets more active, she is 77 and likes to help, but even when I give her small chores, I usually have moments like with the cat food. Mom thinks she has done these habits all her life.

Due to Hashimotos,  I’m  fatigued and after all the above I’m exhausted. Yet, I carry onward, I’m not a quitter, I proceed to clean kitchen. Today is trash day, so I collect all the trash, to go outside, and as I pull kitchen bag out the bag busts spewing garbage everywhere, as Im standing there looking in horror at the mess, our two cats race through kitchen and that big black lab clocks my left knee out from under me and I go down into all the trash screaming in pain while words and noises spew forth out my mouth that I despise. My language was worse than my drill Sargent dad with new recruits.  😭


I just sat on that garbage strewn floor and emotionally lost it.  I truly grieved over the loss of my father who death anniversary is May 1, 2020. Then I proceeded to cry harder, hyperventilate and get my butt kicked by a bad anxiety attack sinking into a good pity party, over how I’m mostly obsolete to my siblings , I really could use their help. I don’t get breaks weeks on end, they think I get a break everyday, they truly seem to have no understanding what it is to be our moms caregiver, managing prescriptions, breathing machines, medical emergencies, doctor calls, being on call 24/7, sleep deprivation, can’t work due to my medical issues, no income, waiting on Disability hearing, my vehicle vandalized, no transportation, can’t get to my doctors, no way to provide my financial needs, and as I sat on that messy floor, I just hung my head in shame. While it is complex caring for my mom , I just feel I lack a good family support team to help out. I’m here because I love my mom, I enjoy being with her making memories, I just feel very alone without an adequate support team. I am mother’s caregiver, cook, housekeeper first, then her daughter second.

When you’re caring for a loved one, there’s nothing you won’t do (or sacrifice) to give them as much comfort and peace of mind as you can possibly provide. Often, that means you’ll skip your social obligations, wreck your diet, suffer sleep deprivation, and even risk your career, all to help a loved one through the most difficult time of their life.

Now. I had to figure out how to get up off the floor,  I shamelessly slid across the floor and rolled onto the couch , not caring about garbage,  I will clean it later. I’m fortunate and grateful for my time with mom. On days like this, I simply go to God and ask forgiveness, its not about me, I’m blessed above measure to have this time with my mom, I have learned so much from her, Oh how I thank God for my momma!

And yes, I love the black lab, his name is Jake!

short coated dog near white house
Photo by Matthis Volquardsen on




Dont Worry Be Happy!

Good Afternoon World!

What a Beautiful and Joyful day God has given us! Give all your cares to God for he has gone before you, he has already taken care of everything! Don’t worry, Be Happy!





Philippians 4:19 ~ And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us.go I will let you escape with your life.'”

Matthew 6:27
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:28
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.

Matthew 6:31
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 10:19
But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say,

Luke 10:41
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,

Luke 12:11
“When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say,

Luke 12:22
Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.


Calling All Moms!

Just had to share this awesome devotion today, as it spoke to my heart, because we moms tend to beat ourselves up over our mothering skills.

I found this on YouVersion

Breathing Eden : Conversations With God • Devotional

woman in gray tank top
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on


I WANTED TO BE A MOM. I wanted to stay home with these precious kids. I quit my job, surrendered my identity—the young, just-out-of-business-school-turned-professional. I believed my choice was narrow—just one or the other: Be a mom or work. (Are these my only choices, God?) I didn’t want to miss puddle-jumping, block-building, hand-holding, park-playing days like this one. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to make that decision. I am. I just didn’t know I would struggle so much. I didn’t know this would be so hard.

I thought I would feel different, God. I thought I would do this better—that I would be more organized and wouldn’t feel so depleted all the time. I said I wanted to stay home with my babies, and I know it is so amazing that I can. But here is what is hard to admit, even to you: I don’t like it as much as I thought I would. I’m afraid I’m not good at it. I’m even less confident now that we have two.

I’m going to mess them up, God. I know I am. I lose my temper, I raise my voice. And when I am not yelling out loud, I feel like I am screaming inside. I know that’s an exaggeration. That sounds so melodramatic, “screaming inside.” But no other words feel right.

Why do I feel so trapped, so stuck? I don’t know who I am, or what I love to do, or what it is that might be fun for me anymore. I should feel parenting is so fun, so completely fulfilling. I’m sorry that, right now, I don’t, and it isn’t. I’m sorry for who I am. I’m sorry I am so far from you and don’t know how to find my way back.

Can you help me find my way back?

DAUGHTER, YOU CAN BE ANGRY. I can take it. You can be sad. I can take that too. Keep running to me when you are sad and overwhelmed, and I will give you what you need to get through a day. You think that you are camouflaged, but I see all.

You can do this, you know. You can mother him and love him, and I will help you find your way. You ask me what you love? Who you are?

Let me tell you what I see: I see you. I see you in the early mornings when the baby is crying and you rise. I see you bend to scoop him up out of his crib, hear how you sing to him. I watch how you stumble, so tired, back to a rumpled bed.

May I sing to you now? May I sing to you, my daughter who is found?

Lift up your head, my darling. Lift up your head, and see me looking at you. I have made you with beauty. I have made you with strength. I have made you with tenderness, a soft heart for me that will sustain you. I sustain you. Keep your heart soft, and I will sustain you. Keep yourself vulnerable, and I will lift you. Keep yourself close to me, and I will show you, step by step, what it is you love, what it is in you I see.

There’s a lot coming, dear one. You are both a light that shines and a warrior in my name. How this looks—your life in me—will unfold as you trust me. In you, I keep creating, dear one. I love being with you as we partner in your work, bringing what is to come.

Yes, I see you. And I want you to begin this day again, knowing I see you, knowing I know you. I dance over you. My gladness overflows.

You are my dear heart, my bright flower. I father you and I mother you. I care for you, and you rise again, letting me lead, letting me take charge, letting me be the door you walk through each day when you are lost and you are wondering how, again, you can face another day.

You don’t need to face another day alone. You can greet each day with me. You can rise with me, stay with me, listen for me. In the creak of the high chair at lunchtime. In the jingling of toys as Jonathan and Lucas laugh and cry and play. In the hush or whimpers of the night.

My strength is enough for you. My presence is with you. My Spirit is in you.

I sustain you, never leave you. There is good coming.

There is good right here.


Father, you are unashamed of me—your love is wild and perfect. I love how you have made me. I love how I don’t have to hide from you, no matter what I am feeling. You give me a voice to call out to you, and you answer. You reveal to me yourself, showing how you are present with me, how you care for me, how you hold me and never let me go. I have what it takes to love those you’ve given me to love. I have what it takes to get through this day, holding your hand. Help me to do all these things, knowing I stay with you. In your name, Jesus, Amen.

mother and daughter on grass
Photo by Daria Obymaha on

Friday Thoughts!

Hello Readers!

I’m just sitting here, drinking coffee,  thinking about you and just hoped you took time to enjoy this  beautiful glorious day outside our homes! Look at what that the Lord has given us! Such Glory on earth!

Use your day wisely, be Kind and share the Love of  Jesus with everyone you come in contact  with today, even the ones that make it hard to do so as they need Jesus just like all of us!

I watched a red headed wood pecker, or what looked like one in my front yard, squirrels playing, little swarms of bugs that looked like dust fairies floating in patterns and a Beautiful Blue Bird came by to sing! Way too fast for my camera phone, yet I got pics of all spring plants popping up below.


Have a great day and be blessed.


I recently had a dream appear in my news-feed on Facebook, that occurred a few years ago. I love it when memories show up, especially dreams! I had this dream in 2014. Now it is 2020, and hard times, yet it is a dream of good tidings and abundance, a reflection fro the past to give Hope for the future! Keeping a dream journal is a wonderful activity! I highly recommend it! Blessings!



Dream ~I laid down and fell into a deep sleep, when I awakened I was getting off a hand made straw mat, in a  foreign land that was very green, vibrant and beautiful.


The first thing I noticed was that no one spoke my language.  I was happy and smiles at everyone.  I felt very calm as I  began walking down this sandy road , the people were so nice greeting me and gracious!

clouds country countryside dirt road
Photo by Pixabay on

I turned into a field that was growing an abundant crop and I started to call to this little child, who was between two and three years old, at the end of the field.

girl wearing white dress
Photo by Emma Bauso on

I cooed until the child came into my arms and hugged me. The child could not understand my English, so I began to speak in tongues, and the child understood me through our fathers heavenly language.

I was so happy twirling this child around.  I saw all my family, my daughter, all my grandchildren and my son in law. I woke up laughing full of joy!. 🙂 This dream was unusual so I had to share!





Watch “We The Kingdom & Tasha Cobbs Leonard – Holy Water (Church Sessions)” on YouTube


Plead the Blood

I have to tell you, God just amazes me, God is definitely in the small details of our lives! The other day during prayer, I was pressed to pray over and over, I plead the blood of Jesus, over my Daughter, her husband and my four grandchildren and possible future grandchildren. My daughter isnot pregnant, nor planning to be at this time. I just believe you cover as if it were so, as if she were pregnant. I prayed for my daughter and grandchildren before they were ever born. God is a mighty answering God. I prayed for Salvation, Optimal Health, Abundance, Education, Future Friends, Saints to cross their paths, Protection & Safety, Divine Connections, To know their spiritual gifts early, know who they are in Christ, for them to have a relationship with Jesus trusting him with their lives and receive the blessings of God.  There is power in the blood of Jesus! Wonderful Working Power!

While praying for my grandchildren , I specifically prayed for my two youngest that they would accept Christ, be baptized in Jesus name. My sweet grands were dedicated to the Lord as young children, they are now four and six years old and Baptism is a step they must journey to on their own, as it is a gift from the Lord.

The very next day while face-timing with my grands, my six year old first statement was “Grandma, am I baptized?” I smiled and said “No, not yet!” He proceeded to tell me he had it worked out, he would be baptized when he was seven, which is this year. I smiled again, as I felt the spirit of God around us, God was in our midst in the details, showing the promise to come, the wooing had begun long before I prayed, long before he was born, it had begun when I prayed as if it were so, pleading the blood of Jesus, the wonderful working power of Jesus. My six year old grand preceded to tell me how he remembered me carrying him to church, he said he remembers playing with his toys under the pew, and how loud the singing was, he said Grandma, I was shy and scared, but I am ready to go back to church! ” “When you come visit, or we come visit you, will you take me to church?” I instantly said “Absolutely Buddy” (nickname)!! While in the stillness of that moment, I knew promises were being answered, the future is bright, and this Covid-19, it too shall pass! The best is yet to come!

So, the rest of my post is about pleading the blood, some of my readers might ask what does that mean and why do we as Christian say ” I plead the blood of Jesus!”


“Pleading the Blood of Jesus” is actually a legal term. When a lawyer goes before a judge he is given the opportunity to plead his case.  The attorney presents evidence and facts to support his case. The bible supports this in the Old Testament;

1 Samuel 24:15- May the LORD be our judge and decide between us. May he consider my cause and uphold it; may he vindicate me by delivering me from your hand.”

Psalm 43:1- Vindicate me, my God, and plead my cause against an unfaithful nation.
Rescue me from those who are deceitful and wicked.

When the enemy comes against us, there are many areas he attacks in:

  • Satan attacks your Walk with God
  • Satan attacks Faith, Hope, Love
  • Satan attacks your Spiritual Life
  • Satan attacks your Mind
  • Satan attacks your Marriage
  • Satan attacks your Children
  • Satan attacks your Private Life
  • Satan attacks your Health
  • Satan attacks your Finances
  • Satan attacks your Career
  • Satan attacks your Relationships

The enemy is accusing us of sin, telling us we will always live in poverty, always have financial woes, constantly in sickness, terrible fear, constantly worried!  Know your enemy he attacks us when we are:

  4. TIRED

The enemy  four common tactics are:


How do we protect ourselves, our family and loved ones, especially those who are not saved?

First, we must remember, “GOD LOVES US!” Second, we must be, “STRONG IN THE LORD.” Third, we must remember, Resist Satan as he  was “DEFEATED AT THE CROSS.” Fourth, we are fighting from “CHRIST VICTORY AT THE CROSS.”

Here is an important point, we cannot win spiritual battles in our own strength! We must draw our strength from the power base, of God himself through prayer, reading the word of God in our bibles, by spending time with God through worship or talking to him, God desires to hear from us!

Lastly, we pray before God pleading the precious blood of Jesus, the Righteous Judge, is the blood of Jesus. It changed everything. The blood of Jesus established a new and better covenant between us and a holy God (Hebrews 8:6-7, 9:11-14, 22, 12:24). The blood is our defense. It declares we are not guilty but free from all penalty of sin. The blood also gives us the authority and dominion to resist Satan and put him out of all the affairs of our lives and our families’ lives. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary, the devil has no legal right to interfere in our lives anymore. He says we’re guilty; we “plead the blood!” (James 4:7; 1 John 3:8; Luke 10:19). We have every right and provision to walk in victory through the precious blood of the Lamb.


Every day you have the right to exercise that authority by pleading what the blood of Jesus did for you at Calvary. Refuse to give the enemy even one small inch of territory. Satan is a defeated foe and through the precious blood of Jesus we are victorious!

Prayer to Plead the Blood of Jesus!

Father, I come in the name of Jesus to plead His blood on my life and on all that belongs to me, and on all over which You have made me a steward.

I plead the blood of Jesus on the portals of my mind, my body (the temple of the Holy Spirit), my emotions, and my will. I believe that I am protected by the blood of the Lamb which gives me access to the Holy of Holies.
I plead the blood on my Spouse, Marriage, my children, on my grandchildren and their children, my family and friends, on all those whom You have given me in this life.

Lord, You have said that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Thank You for this blood that has cleansed me from sin and sealed the New Covenant of which I am a partaker.

* Based on a prayer written by Joyce Meyer in The Word, the Name and the Blood (Tulsa: Harrison House, 1995).
In Jesus’ name, amen.

Additional Prayer


            Father God in the name of Jesus and in the power of Your Holy Spirit, I welcome You this day. I love, worship and honor You.  I thank You for being my God, my Father, my Friend and my Helper.  According to Your Word, I decree, declare and plead the Blood of Jesus and draw a bloodline over myself; my spouse; my immediate family; my extended family; my spiritual family; friends and church family, Eph. 1:7; Romans 5:9; I John 1:7.

I also declare that all of us have on the Whole Armor of God and function with the fruit of the Spirit and the best gifts You have given us in Jesus’ name, Eph. 6:12-18; Ps. 91; Gal. 5:22-23; I Co. 12:7-11, 28; Ro. 12:6-15 and Eph. 4:11-12.

I further draw a bloodline over marriages and Godly families, anointed men and women of God; the Kingdom of God; Godly world leaders; America and the White House; Israel and Jerusalem; Godly judges in America; our military men and women; the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) as well as other allies with America; North Carolina (your state); the Godly homeless; the remnant of God; Christian corporations and businesses are all covered by the Blood of Jesus.  I also release the peace of God in my inner man.
In the name of Jesus, I plead the Blood of Jesus over my inheritance; spiritual gifts; income; payroll; assets; investments; social security; money to pay taxes; all properties with deeds; bank and credit union accounts; library, administrative, biblical books and all resources; our personal, business and tax records; P.O. boxes; mail centers; computers; printers; all electronics devices; drives; all forms of communication: wireless, internet, WiFi, websites, emails and social media. The Blood also covers our homes; any storage; personal autos; personal and business items and equipment; furnishings for our homes and businesses in Jesus’ name.
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke and bind backlash, revenge, retaliation, retribution, slumber,  transference of evil spirits and distractions sent to rob me of my time and destiny. I further rebuke, bind, block and destroy all evil assignments sent against me, my family, ministry, projects and businesses.  I reverse every curse back to the sender, Prov. 26:27. I now release God’s favor, wisdom, joy, protection, guidance as I put on the Whole Armor of God daily.

I repent if I have or any family member has opened any door through disobedience, unbelief or any other sin that allowed a curse to operate, 2 Peter 3:9; 2 Cor. 7:10. In the name of Jesus, I now Break, Destroy, Disallow and Overturn any curses over my life or my family and decree the curse can no longer manifest in the name of Jesus. I now claim the protection of the Blood of Jesus and decree and declare that my family and I are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb out of the hand of the enemy and set free.

I thank You Father God that Jesus (Yeshua) destroyed the power of every curse and any recurring curses in my bloodline when He went to Calvary, died, defeated death and rose in three days, Heb. 12:2; Isaiah 53:1; I Cor. 15:4. So I choose not to receive or allow any curse that is sent but instead choose to enter into a new cycle of blessings released in this new season in Jesus’ name.

I Thank You for intercessors who pray on my behalf. I bind every force that would attempt to capture my destiny illegitimately. No weapon formed against me or my family (immediate, extended, spiritual or church) will prosper or prevail…. A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me (Isa. 54:17; Ps. 91:7; Ps. 27; Ps. 120). I release the fire of God as the enemy is cut off by the Living God, I Kings 18:38. Thank You for divine intervention for my loved ones and me.

 I further rebuke, bind, block and destroy all evil assignments sent by any master spirits including, Sabotage, Azazel, Fear, Jabin, Jezebel, Ahab, Baal, Leviathan (lies, slander, gossip) Pisgah (tries to block your breakthrough), Python, Infirmity, Strife, Agitation, Rebellion, Affliction, Seducing Spirits and all other types of evil that have targeted this household and other children of God.

I thank You that my heart is pure before You. I also release prayer, praise, forgiveness, repentance, joy, intercession, giving, fasting and action on my part as I call forth the Spirit of Truth, Light, discernment of spirits, and the wisdom of God to know what to do and when to do it in Jesus’ name, Eph. 6:12; Judges 4:3; Neh. 6:1.

Father God, I also thank You for radical favor, signs and wonders, miracles and restoration in this season of transfer of wealth, unusual opportunities, healings and creative miracles.
 I thank You that the angelic force of strong angels, angels of joy, healing angels, warring angels, ministering angels, restoration angels, the harvest glory angels, revelation angels, business angels, prosperity angels, turn around angels, birthing angels, property angels and others are released to assist on my behalf.

I thank You for wisdom, order, mysteries uncovered (Your plans and purpose revealed, Dt. 29:29), fresh revelation, fresh anointing and a fresh spirit of boldness in my life. I have the victory in every battle according to Your Word because of Your Spirit, Your grace, Your power, Your strategies, Your might, Your faith, Your timing, Your favor and Your Glory in Jesus’ mighty name.

Therefore, I am making a demand on and instructing my seed as well as decreeing that “The Blessing”that belongs to me come forth now, you have no choice but to come to me now. I am blessed with health, wisdom, wealth, joy, favor, good relationships in my life and family, and preserved in Jesus’ name, Amen!



Tuesday Thoughts! TRUST IN YOU!


I believe God is have hearing our prayers, may you trust his timing, God will heal our land and save our planet.

God knows all our needs even before we ask. Let us ask the Lord this morning for strength, praising God we have been given this day, with breath in our bodies! We give thanks for what we have and are grateful. Is he not the Lord our God, who takes our right hand and says to us , do not fear, I will HELP you!

God says call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Every-time we stretch our faith God does miracles. It’s easy to have faith in light, in the darkness, we walk by faith itself.

When God is sought in desperation, he responds to soul stirring prayers. Which result in answered prayers. Does God not say; For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. 💯❤️

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for hearing our cries and answering our soul stirring prayers, thank you for the strength you provide to us today. God may we cast all our concerns and fears upon you, for you are able to help in our time of need …………………………………………….

“Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” Psalm 55:22. God loves us beyond our wildest imaginations. We must trust that in our muddy mess, He is in the process of showing us how to rely on Him for everything

Lord you say ” Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest!” Father not only do we come to you, we ask you to forgive us our sins, to enter in our homes, hearts, mind and soul, we seek refuge from you in the days ahead that you will give us shelter from the most high covering us with your wings protecting us all, pleading the precious blood of Jesus upon us all, lifting a hedge of protection over and around the human race spiritually , physically, mentally and emotionally believing God will answer our cry’s, standing in faith, holding onto Hope, believing the best is yet to come! We trust in You, In Jesus name! Amen!





When I began this post, I had been absent from my blogging for two months, due to fact I have been going through Hell.

I was very sick in month of January, lacking energy to even get out of bed, yet people seemed to still have expectations of me that I found very hard to full fill. I literally had bottomed out with no reserves left. I, an encourager, was out of encouragement for myself and others facing problems that are ongoing that are totally out of my control.

Then the World News  announces the Corona Virus and presently we are all going through hell with fear of sickness,  loss of jobs, limited income, rations, isolation and all the while looking at an uncertain future.

What are we to do when our world spirals out of control?

How do we pray when we’re  in survival mode, or while dodging one attack after another, hardly no time to catch our breath, before the next onslaught. How many are hanging by a thread, your prayer life shaky or nonexistent. Yet prayer is our most formidable weapon!

There are going to be times in life when you must ROAR. You must reach within find your Lion’s Heart, stand in boldness be courageous and roar  for HELP!! I’m ROARING “Jesus, HELP”!

Capturebb“Jesus HELP!!”





Do you know what time it is?

Time is Precious…..Once used, you cant get it back.

Time is not infinite, it will end. Use your time wisely!

“Love Everyone”, even those who hurt and betray you,just pray for them.

Don’t worry about what others think of you, you only need to care what God thinks of you.

Dream your dreams and make them come true.

Be generous in love and generous in giving.

Pursue your passions, help others, try new things, taste new foods, take long strolls, enjoy God’s beauty that surrounds you daily.

Make a choice not to engage with anger, there is more strength in remaining silent and walking away.

You cannot change others , you can only change yourself.

Start a new love with Jesus!

Binding Prayers!

The Word of God tells us that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much” (James 5:16).

Deuteronomy 32:30 gives us a glimpse of the effect that our prayers have in the spiritual realm by revealing to us that one person’s prayer has the power to put one thousand angels to flight; and two people’s prayers can put ten thousand angels to flight! Imagine that!

This revelation is powerful. If every person reading this post bind their prayers, then there is a probability that over 2,000,000 angels are in flight!💖

Imagine what a group of praying people can do binding prayers; now imagine a church full of  folks; now imagine a stadium full, and then a nation full of God’s people lifting up prayers on behalf of the people. Oh my God, no enemy in hell even stands a chance of winning! The angels of God will flood the heavens, the atmosphere, and the earth- all because God’s people prayed.


Heavenly Father,

Tonight I lift the world to you, praying for Hope, Faith, Love and Courage as we stand in the face of a pandemic. I pray for Peace in the Chaos, Courage in face of Fear, and I pray for Faith to get us through. I pray for revival and for salvation of lost souls, I ask for protection over family and friends, the human race, I ask for healings though out our bodies, deliverance from strongholds, for saints who lost thier way to come back home,  I ask for supplies to the poor, medicine for those in need, please bless our Christian troops with necessities, strategic wisdom, praying for reinforcements, success of other missionaries, unity and harmony in the ranks, encouragement of togetherness, kindness, compassion and empathy, discernment in tough decisions, knowledge to know and discover your will, to establish a closer relationship , to know you, our God, on a more personal level, gaining understanding of the comprehension of the love of Christ. May we all be Believing and having Faith with sense of assured Hope, Strength and Endurance, that our Faith not be destroyed, yet grow in leaps and bounds, not fall into temptation. We believe you God that you  would complete a good work, forgiveness of our sins, granting protection from the evil one, as we plead the blood of Christ, that in the spiritual realm Gods army establish leadership in the outposts, raising of the dead, miraculous signs, deliverance, casting out of demons, healings, healing of wounded comrades, signs and wonders, boldness in proclamation, God would direct the use of the sword, God would vindicate his people in their cause, fullness of the Holy Spirit, God would exalt his name in the world, gospel would speed ahead and be honored,and God would extend his kingdom in the world. We submit and surrender Oh Lord asking you to show mercy in your loving kindness! Son of David, have mercy on us children of the earth, In Jesus name. Amen

Eagle, Dove & Cardinal

HOPE, Strength, Trust in trouble Times!

bee-tree Gathering

photo of woman walking barefoot on seashore Photo by Akshaya Premjith on

I‘m standing on the shore, looking over my shoulder behind me at the chaos and destruction, feeling overwhelmed, deeply hurting, feeling pain course through out my body, My scars are there for all to see, Blood is pouring forth from my recent wounds. I cry out, I need you, please come stand with me.

clouds lake lake mcdonald landscape Photo by Pixabay on

Where does my help come from?

I turn back around gazing before me at the vast beautiful site of a majestic lake that lays before me for miles, the lake is bluer than any blue I’ve ever seen, as if glowing like Hemimorphite crystals, colors dancing in the sun.crystalI look at the water watching a canoe come before me, I slowly climb inside taking the paddle pushing away from the shore. I’m letting go.

blue rope tied on boat Photo by Davide Scaroni on

I take notice…

View original post 665 more words

Midnight Insomnia Blues

Tonight I’m having a hard time sleeping, insomnia continues to rule and the moon is bright as I gaze out my window into beauty of the night, glowing, piercing the darkness.

I am glad for the light, I treasure it, I don’t feel as alone, the house is quiet, cats are still awake playing and old Jake, our big black lab, lays on foot of bed guarding me, keeping me safe. Mamma is still in hospital, I’m still coughing, no we don’t have Coroniavirus, but it”s out there and I’m concerned. I’m thinking about our Economy and our Nation.

I’m thinking about how people  are just being so unkind to each other, to friends and family and I just I really miss “small town good folks” who know how to treat one another with respect, dignity, character and integrity!

Where have all of our manners gone, where is our moral compass, as you know, I wrote a story while back called Banging My Compass. I was talking in that story about how I lost my direction,  but one thing I would like to think I have not lost is my morals and my values. My momma would tear my hind end up!! I believe in showing elders respect, I got family that calls me by my first name instead of Aunt and others who think they can dishonor me, cuss me out, sit at Sunday dinner, without an Apology! Hmmm…. Wonder if they ever read “The Help”😜, oh hush, I’m just kidding🤣, rude folks will make you crazy, if you give them half the chance. Like that old Kenny Roger’s song “The Gambler”, don’t let folks see you react to their rudeness.  I choose to stand on honor, pray for them, walk away. I forgive them, I love them, but I dont have to keep company with them.

Tonight I just take all my concerns the things that are keeping me awake, this awful insomnia and I just give it over to the Lord.  I just close my eyes, say my prayers and know that despite all the fear and all the things I’m hearing and seeing in the world on TV,  I know that God is for us, he’s not against us.  I know that God loves us, he will never forsake us and I know that God will not go back on his word. God’s word is alive, it has power, more than we know, speak it out loud, it never comes back void!  There’s a prayer in Psalms that is the most beautiful prayer in the world.  I asked you tonight to take time to read it and pray over your family! This prayer is powerful and it talks about how God will protect you if you put your trust in him. God will protect you and I think in this day and age we need that protection,  so tonight I close my eyes saying my prayers and speak aloud Psalms 91! I put my trust in the Lord!  I believe that he will protect us all and keep us and not forsake us in Jesus name. May God be with us all!




Hello My Precious Readers!!

make this day great quote board
Photo by Alexas Fotos on

I hope you are experiencing profound

selective focus photography of joy free standing letters with lights
Photo by Natasha Fernandez on

Today is a GREAT DAY to just B R E A T H !

a woman sits on a rock beside the lake
Photo by Andre Furtado on

I HOPE you L A U G H!

side view photo of laughing woman standing beside graffiti wall
Photo by Elaine Bernadine Castro on

Don’t Judge A Person on Their Uniqueness

woman sipping straw
Photo by Larissa Wolf on



BE K I N D !!



Calling All Who Feel Hopeless!

Have you ever felt hopeless?

Are you currently in a hopeless situation, does it feel like everyone turned their back on you, are people walking past you, as if you are invisible?

Has life turned you an unfair hand, did you make poor choices or mistakes? Did addiction raise it’s ugly head controlling your life, have life events left you broken, isolated, scared, broke, beaten, abused, homeless, jobless, or maybe your in prison, did your spouse walk out, have you dealt with ultimate betrayals by friends and family??


Are you cutting yourself, starving yourself, forcing yourself to throw up, to fit someones else image?

Have you been told your whole life, “You are worthless, scum,  you will never amount to nothing, dirt bag, trailer trash, whore, slut, , been called evil spawn, derelict, piece of crap?

I would wager in your life you have been called many negative things, actions and words spoken to break you to destroy you…………It was all a lie!!!!

Lies sent to keep you from discovering how unique and wonderfully made you are, you were sent with a purpose, from a father in heaven who loves you more than you can imagine.

Psalm 139 says that God made all the delicate, inner parts of my body. He knit me together within my mother’s womb. I was made wonderfully complex. God knew me as He was painstakingly designing me with much loving care.

I didn’t just evolve into what I am. I was created and designed with a purpose. And the blueprints of me are similar to other human beings but they’re not exactly the same. I am unique—and so are you.

God is chasing you, wooing you, he sends angels to protect and minister to you.

Oh , you thought you were all alone? That’s another lie, you father in heaven will never forsake you!

The truth, I want you to know today,is that you are worth something, worth more than you could imagine, your soul is priceless and Jesus died on a cross because he knew your worth!!!

John 14:6 New International Version (NIV)

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Jesus counted you worthy to be saved! Jesus died for you!  Jesus is your way of escape! Jesus You are worthy! I urge you to come and find rest, kindness, love, and prayer, in God’s house! Just simply pray and open your heart, God will enter in for he is Love! God will restore your Hope!

15 Truths of how God Sees you!

We are all created special with different talents.

1. Psalm 139:13-14 You alone created my inner being. You knitted me together inside my mother. I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this.

2. 1 Peter 2:9 However, you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

3. Psalm 119:73-74 You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands. May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in your word.

. Isaiah 64:8 Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

God knew you before hand.

5. Matthew 10:29-31 What is the price of two sparrows–one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

6. Jeremiah 1:4-5 The LORD gave me this message: “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

7. Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

8. Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

9. Psalm 139:16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

You’re an (individual) member of the body of Christ.

10. 1 Corinthians 12:25-28 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it. Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the church: first are apostles, second are prophets, third are teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have the gift of healing, those who can help others, those who have the gift of leadership, those who speak in unknown languages.

11. 1 Peter 4:10-11 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.


12. Psalm 139:2-4 You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD.


13. Romans 8:32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?

14. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Bible example

15. Hebrews 11:17-19 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac. He received the promises and he was offering his unique son, the one it had been said about, Your seed will be traced through Isaac. He considered God to be able even to raise someone from the dead, and as an illustration, he received him back.




Hang On

Word of Encouragement- I know God did not put you in the valley to leave you.

His promises are in written on your heart.

You must believe, trust and have faith that God has gone before you.

Maybe you feel as if you are at the end of your rope! Hear me when I shout “HANG ON” The Devil, is a liar and a thief. That last thread you hang onto, I believe God will use it to bring you forth out of the valley.

brown rope tangled and formed into heart shape on brown wooden rail
Photo by Pixabay on

Lift your eyes to the heavens, and wait on Jesus!

By: Debra Hearn Jones



Disturbances……That Rock Our Core!

Her insides were twisting into twenty pound rocks, hands and feet were going numb, the wave was coming fast, too much negativity, abuse out of control, cries for help fell on deaf ears…..the pain unbearable, air hunger so severe she thought she was dying, palpitation that echoed a heart attack, how ….her mind couldn’t even wrap around the truth that were unfolding, why would they betray her , go to such lengths to destroy her, this wasn’t about right or wrong, or disagreements settled over glass of wine, these were dark secrets rising to the surface, and she was screaming as her worst fears unfolded in front of her, these were betrayals purposely hidden and buried deep, activated in the darkness against her knowledge…… breath , just breath, breath, you have got to survive this, drawing her breath in slow and easy , exhaling out in control focus, holding her anxiety rock, sipping water, shattered tears free falling, gut wrenching sobs erupting into screams of hell, and it was silent, no one came, no one heard the anguished desperate cry for help, she was alone, all alone.

She had to admit she couldn’t handle the disturbance and the disturbance began to spread from her, making a disturbance to others.

What would you do if your soul had a disturbance tearing you apart? Pray, yes that is a start, yet in these times, while I believe God hears all prayers, in a disturbance , we need to get God’s attention,  we need to forget, lady-like manners, or what others will say or think! We cant calmly sit by, it goes against our common sense, while all we know is being disturbed to core of our soul, the beginning of help is realizing we cant fix this disturbance, conditioned to be quiet, don’t speak unless asked, keep your thoughts to yourself, oh you know how she is…..crazy B*tch, exaggerator, never knows when to shut her mouth, if we wanted your opinion we’d ask for it dumb*ss.


Disturbances are war, famine, abuse, broken hearts, disease, faltering economy, homelessness, broken marriages, addiction, mental illness, crimes, manipulation, betrayals, false news, war on families, war on christens, loss of rights and freedom, severe weather, earthquakes, flooding, devastation……………..

We need to be absolutely persistent  with our disturbances, until we get a face to face with God, we need to yell , scream. Scream  like its half time at super bowel, or its a home run. Scream like your life depends on it.

When Jesus asks what do we want him to do about our disturbances confronting us, what will you say, will you speak meekly like a mouse or roar with the courage of a lion?

When Jesus asks us what we want him to do about the problem, roar with courage and boldness about this disturbance confronting us and you must believe when you ask knowing it is an absolute impossibility without Jesus.  Do not limit Jesus, as he works in the supernatural and will do the impossible if you ask him. Isn’t God  the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

Our human nature has a tendency to limit God, speaking in negative monotones, never asking for what we truly want out of fear, It is our very own worry, that keeps us from breakthrough, scarred we aren’t loved, fear of rejection, not being worthy.

The disturbance has us going through Hell and we want to get out, don’t stop, look forward , put your focus on Jesus and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!! That is not an option.

If you stop while going through hell, its over, you need to pray, push, shout, scream, claw your way out!

God works in the supernatural, not in our human common sense theories.

We need the boldness and courage of a lion, we need to press forward! We need to let our fears go and just ask for the help by surrendering all the disturbance to God, by giving it all to God!

Be persistent with your prayer, get on floor , face down and pound your fists, roll over and scream, play loud worship music, dancing  in spirit, wave your hands, jump up and down. Loudly proclaim scripture, don’t worry if others call you crazy, its not them that you need, it’s Jesus! A Mighty move of God!

And there will be those who will ask, ” well why wouldn’t my calm reserved prayer be heard?” I’m not saying it wouldn’t be heard, I’m saying we are asking for the impossible, If its not impossible its not a true disturbance.

Luke 18:39 – An example is the man in Luke who was blind from birth, crying out loudly and insistently as Jesus passed him by shouting and yelling, persistent in being heard, he desperately wants his healing, yet his healing is an impossibility on his own, yet when he surrenders it all to God, people are rebuking him and telling him to shut up, the blind man does not give up or give into what others are saying and insistently yells as Jesus passes by, “Jesus , son of David, have Mercy on me! Jesus pauses and  ask” What do you want of me? The blind man says “to be healed!” What motivates  his irrepressible clamor for healing? FAITH! He ask Son of David, to have mercy and is expecting a miracle through faith that God will heal him. The blind man is energizing and vocalizing his faith,  thus Jesus question pinpoints exactly what the blind man needs. The blind man wont take “no” for an answer, he goes ballistic, in his cry for his healing, praising God and glorifying him. Jesus instantly heals him!

“Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.” (18:43)

Clearly the blind beggar was going through hell, when all was against him, he pressed forward, having faith that God would give him a miracle and spoke it as if it were so, energizing and vocalizing his very deep need, this disturbance that he couldn’t fix himself.

The young woman in the beginning of my post who thinks she is all alone, she has faith, she prays , sadly she doesn’t believe she is worthy to get the miracle, succumbing to all the deceit and lies around her, shaking her to her core, her disturbance going out, luckily God has a back up plan, when her faith and prayers reach him, Jesus asks the woman “What do you want?” the question gives her clarity, understanding, Jesus is letting her know she is worthy to receive the miracle, why else would he ask the question?

Praise God! You cant see me, but I’m running the aisles glorifying God!!!!!!!!



Prayer & Mercy for your Enemies!

God tells us to specifically pray for our enemies, we all have enemies, knowingly and unknowingly. How you handle them, shows your spiritual growth. When you pray for your enemies it draws God in by Faith.

I just want the adversary to know, I love my enemies.

In the beginning, trying to pray for my enemies was awful, I did not want to pray for them, they had hurt me badly, trying to destroy me, with words, actions, attacks and it took alot of work in me, through the love of Christ, before I was able to pray my first prayer for an enemy. Then through the guidance and love of the Holy Spirit, God showed me how to look past the actions of my enemies, and to look at their heart, seeing they are really just in pain, bruised from life , needing the Love of Jesus!

Jesus worked a miracle in my life by getting me to pray for my enemies, teaching me how to love them.

In my own personal situation, distancing myself from those who hurt me and going silent, gave me quiet time that was needed for God time, reflection and healing. Sometimes, you have to remove yourself from the person, in order to heal yourself, then you can begin to pray for that individual. God does something remarkable, he brings peace, love, forgiveness and restoration to both parties. God is always on time. So today, stop and pray for those who come against you, as if they were your most cherished love one, and watch a miracle unfold. Love you all!


Dear Lord

My enemies are hurt people, who are broken, who heart people , who are just as overwelmed by life events , just like me.

Hurt people hurt people.

It is written “It is a good thing to give thinks unto the Lord , and to sing praises unto thy name, Oh most high:

Lord today I pray MERCY for us all, that you  “to show forth your loving kindness in the morning and thy faithfulness every night.”

Let our prayers become “upon an  instruments of ten strings, and upon psaltery, upon the harp with a solemn sound.” Our prayers would be beautiful music to your ears!

“For thou Lord, hast made me glad through thy works; I will triumph in the works of thy hands.” You are the master potter and we rejoice.

“Oh Lord, how great are thy works!and thy thoughts are very deep.” I can only imagine your thoughts are as deep as the ocean and as far as the constellations of the heavens. Even the stars were an afterthought of extreme beauty.

I pray all enemies would come to know you as their Lord and Savior, that they would repent and seek a relationship with you, and experience the miracle of Grace.

May our enemies be blessed coming in and going out, may all their needs be meet  on this day, may they have food , shelter, clothing and a place to lay their head and be safe.

May our enemies be in excellent health , strong, hard-workers, may all their families prosper and know God.

May all plans, schemes, strategics of the enemy , generational curses, evil curses, lies of the enemy be broken, cancelled, voided and rebuked through the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus.

Lord I  understand, people aren’t our enemy! Our enemy is Satan and the attack is spiritual in source and nature. That people are used as pawns in his attacks against each of us. These children of God who are saved and unsaved need prayer and protection. The enemy is Satan not people.

The cause is a spiritual agenda that wants to stop you from doing the things you are doing that is infringing on the kingdom of darkness.

Equip us Oh Lord through Prayer, Fasting and reading of the word of God. Let go and let God battle for us and raise a standard when the real enemy comes in like a flood.

Lord may we draw on your strength, when the battle gets hard, may the Holy Spirit lift and carry us, lest we dash our foot on a stone and when Satan comes like a roaring lion to devour, may we open our mouths and let the ROAR of God and his words be heard, unleashed, as our redeemer draws near! For God is for us, and will never forsake us! May God be our Strength always! For God is Victorious! The battle belongs to the Lord!


Luke 6:27-36 New International Version (NIV)

Love for Enemies

27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.


My Thought!

If you have breath in your body you are blessed with the day you are living in at the moment. Use it wisely. Speak positive. Speak life. For those that curse you, forgive them. Pray for them. Talk to God throughout the day, he loves to hear your voice. Hard times build your character. How you react builds your integrity. Turn from unwise talk and fill your mind with the word, sing, dance and worship God. Your focus must stay on God not on people. Last of all…don’t judge. Instead share a smile or kind word, pray and help encourage someone so that they may inspire to HOPE once again. Blessings……

person laying on sand
Photo by Rebeca G Souza on

A Prayer for the Start of a Great Year! 2020

Dear God, I just want to thank you for everything that you are doing in my families lives.

Lord, you know how challenging this world and relationships can become, the enemy tries to make me feel all alone and defeated. 

I thank you God for the hidden strength and courage you gave me and continue to give me.

When I run off course looking for quick fixes, you just show mercy and forgive me steering me back on course, you do not turn away from me, instead your love fills me and I hear your whispers once more infusing me the will to carry through.

God, you remind me of your love and in that LOVE is rest from the Storm, I can always trust in you.

O Lord, even when those closest to me let me down, I am able to keep moving forward because I know that you will never let me go.  You steady my heart when it feels like it is breaking into a thousand pieces.

May I continue to trust in you, O Lord, and never think otherwise. May the hearts of my Family and generations to come always find refuge in you, O God.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Re-post due to Web glitch!

Autumn came and left with a blink, sometimes flaunting her fiery leaves and other times shyly waves good-bye in one big wind storm.Christmas is now only fifteen days away and an icy cold front, possibly snow, is already headed our way. Candles, firewood, lots of treats, all collected in case we have no heat.

2 candle
While small children dream of Christmas thoughts in their heads of Rudolph, Frosty and Great Saint Nick. Older folks just laugh and declare Christmas is about Baby Jesus and he made Ole Saint Nick!

Bible stories from ages past,still declare the same truth at last, Jesus came as a babe in a manger, as the barn animals gazed, it was the three wise men who fell in a daze,before them was a holy sight not seen,a child so holy they fell upon their knees. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ, Son of God, a King!

The ultimate gift of Love, God wrapped in the flesh, born to a virgin, who came to give us life. God has never forsaken us! Every year my tree, is a remembrance of that unconditional LOVE!

Leviticus 23:40 says – And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days.
Some believe this verse means the tree isa celebratory symbol based on the worship of God!

When families gathers, Oh what a feast, turkey, ham, bread, pie, cakes and all kinds of delights, nothing in comparison to our “Future Kings Feast” that is yet to come!





🎀My Christmas Prayer🎀

🎄Christmas Prayer🎄
My father, in Jesus name, let those who are tired come to you, the lost, the brokenhearted, the despondent, the sick and the hopeless.
I’ve heard it said that you love all people and you walk among us and save those who are crushed in spirit.
This Christmas I pray for LOVE, for LOVE covers a multitude of sin. I pray God for protection, over our family , friends and our church. I lift up the crushed in spirit to you. I pray psalms 91 out loud, speaking your word so it may go forth,

Praying and pleading your blood over crushed in spirit. Praying that you heal them and bind up their wounds. They cannot hear, they cannot see, they cannot speak and they are blind, deaf and ignorant to your truth. I stand humbly before you God and ask you to hear our prayers bind together to open their ears, their mind, and their eyes. Some call them the scum of society, worthless, scavengers, unclean and not savable.
Lord weI see them as future saints adorned in crowns of beauty, gladness and garments of praise. Lord we know your truth is for every man, woman and child. We pray for warrior angels commanded by you Lord, to set a hedge of protection around the lost crushed in spirit, to guard them, minister so that when your vessels of saints come in contact and speak your truth and salvation the light in your vessels will not be your saints they see, it will be you, their Redeemer, their Savior, whose words will turn the lost to being found and the despondent to having hope, and the hopeless to be full of joy, all to be planted in faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with assurance of salvation.
Save them God, our doors are open, and we welcome them into your house.
In Jesus Name, Amen

I Love a Blue Christmas!


Christmas is fast approaching, my mom does everything traditional (red), I happen to love “Blue” Christmas. I am collecting the following ideas off the internet, for the day when I once again decorate my home in celebration of Christmas. An old planter can easily be decorated with a few bulbs and sticks picked up in yard clean up and by cutting off some yearly greenery. I love the planter project and will definitely use it in the future..


There is much that can be done with leftover bulbs that didn’t make it on the tree, a little ribbon and fishing line, the possibilities are endless. Ribbons and bulbs in a window at varying lengths are a great way to add a little more ump to your decorations, children can help with this one. Glass bulbs hung with fishing line clustered together in front of windows or hung from ceiling give great light reflections along with tree lights.One of my favorite ideas for bulbs is decorating a fireplace with greenery of choice and stockings. The next one looks elegant , yet I only recommend, if little ones cant reach, as bulbs are fragile and we don’t want them going into a child’s mouth, using a vanity glass square on a tabletop or coffee table, with bulbs and candles is just gorgeous.


I love a “Blue, Old Saint Nick” One of my favorites is Saint Nick gathering animals to protect from the cold. At first I thought it was snow lower down on the picture until I realized it was three giant polar bears. Reminded me of the “Coke” commercials, I love the bears, just not Coke a Cola, I’m die hard Pepsi fan.


Ho, Ho Ho, Its Saint Nick, straight from the North Pole, bearing gifts, candy pulling his sleigh town.


I am from the coast of North Carolina, a small beach community, and I love shells, sand dollars and anything nautical. The Christmas tree on the left is a unique idea after my own heart, because it represents coastal imagination at its best. Wish I had thought of it! The tree is made from seashells and starfishes, I think these would look great on a porch by a front door with poinsettias and old pair of nostalgic skates in remembrance of my northern cold winters when Dad was stationed up north.


Oh, what a Beautiful Blue Frosted Christmas Tree! I would hang pine combs, adding an assortment of beautiful shells, along with family memorabilia, adding a white rug wrapped around the bottom.


My table would be adorned for very special guests of dear family and close friends, as we gather to give thanks and praise, over a lovely meal of clam chowder, salad, baked sweet potatoes, prime rib cooked to perfection, served with a little wine. One tradition I love is everyone, as we go around the table, expressing what they are truly grateful for this Christmas season! Which brings me to my last favorite which is really first!


Words cannot express fully, my love for this baby born in a manger. God who came robbed as flesh, to save us all from our sins. I am grateful for the unconditional love of a savior who loved us before we were born, who died that we might live, the bible states Peter declared ” in the New Living Translation, , “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Christmas is Jesus Christ Birthday, and he gave us all the ultimate gift of unconditional love dying on the cross for our sins.

shallow focus photography of blue star christmas tree decor
Photo by Nick Collins on

Merry Blue Christmas to each and everyone of you, thank you for reading my blog, encouraging me and being my virtual friends, I am grateful for all of you, and look forward to reading more of your posts.

Malicious Mischief

Wow, Malicious Mischief! There is a part of me that is afraid to write this story, as it is very personal to me. Have you ever wondered what puts evil in peoples heart, to imagine and then commit crimes against others! You may be shocked to know, in my case, I made someone very angry. That person or persons set out to teach me a lesson.

 I made a promise to share my story earlier today, with fellow blogger STU. On September 18th, I was headed to emergency room, suffering from dry eye syndrome, had rubbed my eye to hard and injured myself. Two miles from the ER, in bumper to bumper traffic, my Ford SUV made a funny noise and I felt that sinking feeling, I whispered”Lord, please don’t let me break down.” I made it into the right turn lane coasting into an Exxon station, turned off the car. The car died right there, I just didn’t know it yet. I got out checked everything under the hood, all fluids were level, car didn’t overheat, no burning smell, nothing leaking. I tried to crank the car; nothing, no turn over.

I had not had a break in five months, and that day I rejoiced on the side of the road, that I was stranded, finally I was alone. It was a chance to clear my head, relax, talk to God and a very good friend.  My rejoicing was short lived, as I realized I had no way home.

Eventually, seven hours later I got a ride and went home. A sweet friend paid to tow my car to a mechanic shop for an estimate.  The next day, the mechanic called and told me there was sugar, a foreign like substance in my fuel pump, $1000 to repair. I just cried, I had no money. I couldn’t wrap my head around why someone would do this to me, wasn’t I going through enough?

I cried, prayed and gave it to God, my friend who towed the car offered to help fix it if the mechanic guaranteed it could be fixed. Work began on the car and I was hopeful and feeling blessed someone was helping me.  Forty seven days later, my mechanic quits his job and I am told to remove the vehicle after I pay the bill, vehicle is still not running.

Around this time a stranger shows up at my home and informs me, that I need to watch my back. He overheard a conversation by a third party about someone vandalizing my vehicle, shocking me by asking “Did I get the sugar out of my tank?” How did this stranger know my personal crisis?  The stranger continued to relay what he had heard, which lead him to come to my home as he felt this person was out to get me for not giving a ride. My insides felt like they had been ripped open, I just couldn’t believe someone destroyed my vehicle because I said no to a ride.

Then my friend tows my vehicle to a master mechanic for a second opinion, and I learn that all repairs  by the first mechanic were unnecessary, as the master mechanic stated, “This vehicle died the day it shut off, the engine is locked up, by foreign substance, you were mislead and this is what you need to get your money back,” I’m happy to report, I am getting reimbursed all the repair bill and two towing bills back. This money goes back to the friend who was kind enough to help me.

Ive lived with the knowledge of the vandalism betrayal for over a month. I still don’t have a running car and now reality is setting in, what am I going to do with out a vehicle? The vandalism cost me my only vehicle, my transportation, my freedom to go do errands, buy groceries, get meds, visit my daughter, grandchildren. What was I going to do? Why would some one do this to me?

My heart just couldn’t take another person saying “What in the world did you do to make someone so angry at you?” I was looked upon like an evil woman and it wasn’t a good feeling, crushing my heart. My crime that caused me the loss of my vehicle, was an act of tough love, Sadly, I had told someone “no” to a ride, because I cant partake in anything that leads them to drugs, or that would jeopardize my freedom! Now I sit here , stranded in the country, mourning my dads death, care-taking my mom, no vehicle, siblings against me, persecuted, pressed down, depressed, its the holiday’s, I’m broke finding out people could care less. I’m missing doctor appointments, cant runs errands, cant get to grocery store or take mom for a Sunday ride. People will try to control you, or take advantage of you in your weakness……………….they think they got me. Did I learn my lesson, my betrayer sought to teach me after this malicious mischief of vandalism?

 Yes, I learned my lesson, I choose how I react to evil.  I choose to Rejoice, I just start laughing, because I had a revaluation, after letting go of it all, My  God,  owns all the cattle on the hills, I believe I have supernatural favor with God, I believe God is going to move in all my circumstances, as I had to be brought down to nothing, so that when I rise, God gets all the Glory!  I cant wait to see God move, speak your future as if it already is, your tongue has power of life and death, speak life, watch blessings flow! I believe the best is yet to come, I don’t know how God will do it, I just know he is able, I will continue to make Beautiful memories with my mom, and watch God work. Never Give Up! Blessings!




Prayer -Wednesday Night

My prayer today for each of you – God “Please forgive us this day for our sins. Place a guard over our mouths. Let our words be like Honey.

Lord help us to make our lives sweeter, with your word and guidance.  Lord please go before us and be our forward , side and rear guard. Cover our loved ones and friends spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally under thy wings.

Lord, let your pure white light shine over each of us. I plead the blood of Jesus,and I give thanks Lord for your hedge of protection on our families, friends , church and most important, the lost. 

Through the power and authority of Jesus Christ, let the Lord rebuke evil and rebuke the enemy and rebuke demonic and spiritual attacks. Let the Lord rebuke diseases, sickness, virus, cancer and autoimmune diseases, ISIS, enemies and war.

I unleash from heaven, God’s chosen army to defend us, to help, in our day of need in the very hour and presence we cry out. I unleash abundant love and acceptance, healing and victory through Jesus Christ our redeemer!

Lord let your face shine upon us, as you lead and guide us.

In Jesus name . Amen!

Whirl Wind

Come out of the Whirlwind.

I want you to remember it is only temporary, this too shall pass  and it is the building of your faith.

You are never abandoned. Your insight to God’s word will deepen. Your compassion and empathy for others will deepen to a level that even surprises you.

Offenses will become a thing of the past.

Yes, you will learn to love your offender and enemies, praying for them.

Circumstances will not decide your joy.

You will learn your true help comes from the Lord, and when he restores you, the Lord shall receive all Glory!

And yes , you will rise! Be encouraged this day and give thanks!

Power of God’s Word

There is joy in the word of the Lord.

If we read it, ingest it and study word of God daily, it will lead us from captivity to a place where waters of living grace will flow through us continually and cause us to produce much fruit.

We will be strong and our branches and vines will be planted in good soil. That when we feed on the word of God, it is like an all-consuming fire that runs through our body filling us spiritually and when we are filled spiritually, we are able to resist the temptations of the devil and turn from those things that temp us and lead us to harm.

There is life and liberty in the word of God! I learned that there are two parts of a human body that must be filled first and foremost, we must be feed spiritually and then we must be feed physically.

Reading the word, allows things to happen even when we don’t feel it, the word is alive and when spoken does not come back void. Speak the promises of God as if they are , believe and the word will manifest!

God’s word is pure truth. Grab it and never let go. Thank you God! I love watching you work!

A Real Friend

A real friend will always be truthful, loves you enough to speak truth to you, whether its a bad outfit, bad decision, or just bad choices.

A real friend will get down in the mud with you and pull you back up, when you are grieving or heartbroken. A real friend speaks truth in Love and that is Mercy!

Reach down with the right hand of Love and pull thy brother and sister up out of the pit for you are to Love them as I have Loved you!

The Virtuous Woman Award!



My beautiful tiny friend Renee nominated me for this “Virtuous Woman Award!”

I reference her size due to her most recent post, which  had me chuckling  called “Short People .” Renee may be tiny, yet she has the biggest heart  and will get down in the mud to pray for a friend or love one, this lady knows how to cry out to God! Renee is sensitive to others emotions and feels deeply what they are going through due to being tender-hearted, compassionate and caring. Renee gives of her time never expecting anything in return.  Great things come in small packages, Renee is an amazing wife, mother and Nana!  I am honored to call her my friend!


Thank you Renee for this nomination.


“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.”

Debra’s Thoughts on this Award!

Originally, I felt I didn’t deserve this award, as I refreshed my reading on  Proverbs 31. I’m not a proverbial wife I didn’t  measure up to the perfection of the proverbial woman. I’m divorced. In the past, I  tended to ignore the Proverbs woman all together because reading it made me  feel defeated.

After getting this award, I read it again then discovered something new, maybe I am growing into a Proverbial woman, just as I am a work in progress with Jesus.

I learned I am worthy, a warrior for Christ, a daughter, who is loved by ABBA, as I have faced many hard battles. I didn’t chose my divorce, it left me heartbroken. I had to learn to be courageous, God clothed me in his strength when I was weak.  I had to fight to keep my dignity.  When my man said I was unworthy God showed me my worth, wooing me with his ancient love song and wrapping it around my heart. There came a time when I could only rely on God, which built trust. God placed a shield of trust  over me to teach me I could rely on him, he would never abandon me or forsake me.  I believe in kindness, giving to others, being available to help. I’m creative, busy, a good manager, and I care for my household, my mother. I am blessed beyond measure with a beautiful daughter, who is my sunshine, my wonderful sun in law and four adorable grandchildren who I have  shared the story of Jesus and how good he is to me; all of us. I have been privileged to rock five beautiful babies, laying hands on them in prayer. I watched them come to know Jesus and seeing that love grow is amazing,  baby dedications, witnessing  many of them accepting Christ as their Savior and baptism. God is showing me, a divorced woman, can be a proverbial woman too…… I didn’t give up, I pushed forward despite my circumstances, for you must survive, even when broken hearted, I was persistant! Look at all these blessings! Thank you Jesus!


‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:10-29‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Created by John @ The Eclectic Contrarian

Rules are simple…paste the scripture, add an image, and state why you chose the women you’ve mentioned.

My WordPress Nominees

Nicole Wow, how many times have I need a good word of encouragement, and I head to your page , and my cup is filled. Truly you inspire me with your post dealing with depression, autoimmune issues, distractions of the enemy, you just keep pushing forward and you give me the courage to push forward too. My first article I read was about your child’s wedding, and being an empty-nester, the pics were beautiful!



Renee My dearest sweetest friend—a definite kindred spirit!  I know you were just nominated recently for this award, but how could i not put the very woman who is a mentor to me and the proverbial woman! You are grace under fire, calm in the storm, the big heart that believes good in all people, you continually overlook when I say things I shouldn’t, you listen, carry on praying for my burdens when your plate is full! God surely blessed me with this beautiful friendship and I am blessed to call you friend! Your writing is soooo goood, and I am sure your followers agree, you make us laugh, cry, think and give us wisdom that only comes from a close walk with God. A unique woman who is blessed coming and going and soon to be a Nanna again, you are catching up, we are tied in grand-babies.



The Mystery Blogger Award 2019 | 2nd Nomination

recently nominated me on his 3rd Mystery Blogger Award.  I have enjoyed Stu’s Blogs for some time, and recently my heart was very touched by something he wrote on Cry Like a Man ,  Stu, this post touched my heart and deals on so many levels those tough things people are going through, your ending was Great & Inspiring! These words you wrote are what broke open my tears “You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. You are designed to feel deeply. It’s how you were made—you are human.” I have been in a fiery trial, ridiculed for my compassion & empathy, called emotional and crazy, I was doubting myself. I felt broke, shattered yet your words were healing. I was designed by a master creator, to feel deeply, to understand and show empathy & compassion. To help and encourage. I’m human…….yes I indeed am very human! Thank thank you for writing and encouraging us all with this post! All of us need to remember we are all Human and it is ok to cry and show emotion!Thank you STU 😊 Blessings to you and your ministry!

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.

Okoto Enigma

Here are the guidelines:

Put the award logo/image on your blog

List the rules

Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog

Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well

Answer the 5 questions you were asked

Tell your readers 3 things about yourself

You have to nominate 10 – 20 people

Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question

Share a link to your best post(s)

Here are Stu’s five questions:

1. If you have children, what is you favorite activity to do with them? Go to OLD libraries.


2. What is you favorite activity to do if single? Go to thrift and antique stores.

3. Do you still enjoy playing in the rain? ABSOLUTELY


4. What would you friends say is your best characteristic?  I’m not sure , maybe ask my bff  Renee

5. Funny/odd question time…

Have you ever gone to a public restroom, walk in and turn right around and that urgent need to go has left?



Here are 3 things about Deb…

I love Color Therapy Apps , helps with Anxiety!


🤔🤔🤔Oh yeah…

I love Autumn – my favorite Season!


I love reading:

woman lying on area rug reading books
Photo by Renato Abati on

Here are my fellow bloggers I am giving this award to:




Here are my questions for my nominee’s:

1. What Inspires you to write?

2. When do you write your best?

3. Have you figured out your life calling, what you are meant to do? If yes, how did you figure it out?

4. What is your most favorite thing about Autumn?

5. Have you ever had a situation where you find yourself helpless and God provided!

Here is the link my favorite posts: I like or love most posts!